
来源 :档案学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ConchConch
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加拿大档案著录标准的制定 加拿大档案专业过去和现在主要是历史学家的领域。近几年出现的一些人们所关切的问题迫使档案工作者仔细地检查档案管理的方法,逐步将重点放在管理和专业标准上。除传统的历史研究领域之外,档案工作者已开始注意到的主要领域是计划与预算、人力资源管理、技术和自动化、专业教育、有关公民隐私权和限制利用个人信息的法律、有关利用政府活动信息的法律、档案保护和公共服务。 为了有效地开展工作,各单位需要三类主要资源:财政资源、人力资源和信息资源。在档案馆,信息资源尤为重要,因为它不仅包括组织机构内部为支持计划和决策制定工作而传递的信息,而且在许多情况下也包括了提供给用户或本单位顾客的产品。 Canadian archival standard-setting Canadian archival professional past and present is mainly historian’s field. Some of the concerns raised in recent years have forced archivists to carefully examine the methods of archives management and gradually focus on management and professional standards. In addition to traditional areas of historical research, archivists have begun to notice the main areas of program and budget, human resources management, technology and automation, professional education, laws governing the privacy of citizens and restrictions on the use of personal information, the use of government Legal information on activities, file protection and public services. In order to carry out their work effectively, each unit needs three main types of resources: financial resources, human resources and information resources. In archives, information resources are particularly important because they include not only the information that is delivered within organizations to support planning and decision-making, but in many cases also products that are provided to users or customers in their organization.
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裴理事长并全体代表同志们: 值此中国档案学会第三次会员代表大会胜利召开之际,我谨向大会表示热烈祝贺。我已年逾古稀,并已离休,身体健康状况尚可,但往往在外地突然发病。1