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南宋初的范汝为起义是当时闽北(福建北部)地域社会存在的各种问题集合在一起引发的。因此,最初不超过40余人的起义,瞬间发展成为超过万人的大规模动乱。影响范汝为起义的要素有很多,其中最重要的背景是地域盐政的混乱和持续的变乱引发的农村被破坏的问题。范汝为起义发生于高宗建炎四年(1130)七月。起义以宋朝当局不恰当的对应为契机迅速地扩大开来。镇压军在与起义军的战斗中战败后,宋朝当局搬出了招安策这一对策。事实上,当时的国家权力在面对频发的民众起义时,放弃了直接讨伐,多采用了以招安为主的对策。这也是金军持续南侵时,政权危机的状况下不可避免的选择。范汝为接受招安后不久就再次发动起义,直至被韩世忠的精锐军队平定。起义的发生和扩散过程以及招安的始末等,均体现了当时闽北地区社会存在的问题,更进一步是南宋政权的构造和存在形态集合在一起的反映。 Fan Rushi uprising in the early Southern Song Dynasty was caused by the various problems existing in the social existence of the north Fujian (northern part of Fujian) at the time. Therefore, the initial uprising of not more than 40 people instantly turned into a massive turmoil of more than 10,000 people. There are many factors influencing Fan Rushi’s uprising. The most important of these are the problems of the destruction of the countryside caused by the chaos of the salt regime in the region and the ongoing disruption. Fan Ru for the uprising took place in the fourth year of Emperor Jianzong (1130) July. The uprising expanded rapidly with the improper correspondence of the Song authorities. After the military crackdown defeated the battle with the rebel forces, the Song authorities moved out of this measure of soliciting security. In fact, when the state power at the time faced frequent public revolts, it gave up its direct crusade and adopted the tactic of mainly recruit security. This is also an inevitable choice under the condition of the crisis of the regime when the Jin army continued its invasion of the south. Fan Ru started uprising again shortly after receiving his call until it was laid down by elite troops of Han Shizhong. The occurrence and spread of the uprising and the beginning and the end of the reorganization of security all reflected the social problems existing in northern Fujian at that time. Further, they reflected the structure and existence of the regime of the Southern Song Dynasty.
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