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  I am an AFAB (assigned female at birth) transman. I use male pronouns. I knew I was male at 3. I came out as transgender to myself when I was I3, to my parents at I4, and to my extended family at I 8. I began taking testosterone① at I 7 , and legally changed my name at I8. A surprising number of people think that the trans process is short and simple. Many trans people, myself included, are asked if we’ve had "the operation"(a rude question) as if that’s the only thing involved in being trans. It’s interesting, because my personal transition has involved years of selfdiscovery, revelations, hardships, medications, doctors, psychologists, endoc ri nologi s t s②, gender specialists... and it will eventually involve not one operation, but roughly six surgeries over the course of many years!
  Gender Reassignment③ Surgery is an unattainable luxury for many. When I was 2 1 , I was on t he waiting list to have my top surgery(a double mastectomy④ and chest reconstruction)done through my insurance. Unfortunately, I had to move out of state and lost that insurance. Few insurance providers in Nevada cover transgender care. I do not have the $I0.000 for that procedure. For all of the surgical care I require, it would cost over$I 50,000 out of pocket, or the equivalent of buying two houses in my town.
  I nev er dressed "like a girl." Shopping was an ordeal⑤ for both my mother and I. From a young age, I insisted on shopping in the boy’s section. I got a lot of disapproving looks from adults in the store, but I never let anybody tell me how I was supposed to feel. I shaved my head when I was 8. That was the last time my mother ever let my sister take me for a haircut. Since I hacked off most of my own hair when I was 4, I’m sure it could not have been much of a surprise.
  In third grade, right after my head shaving experience, a parent volunteer at my school followed me into a restroom and dragged me out, yelling at me in front of the entire playground for using the"wrong" restroom.1 simply used the girl’s room, as I had always been instructed. As a painfully shy child, being laughed at by all the students at my school was beyond mortifying⑥.
  It was bad enough that every single day of elementary school, another student would approach me as I sat alone on a bench and ask, "Are you a boy or a girl?" It happened without fail.
  In seventh grade, my gym class had a substitute one day, and we happened to be excused from the track late. We all ran back to the locker rooms to avoid being late for the next class. A s I tried to enter, the substitute grabbed my arm, her nails dug into the skin and scratched me painfully, and pulled me out, yelling at me for trying to enter the girl’s locker room.1 went to my next class with blood on my arm because l had done what l had always been told to do.   In high school, my vice principal agreed to let me change in the bathroom in the of f ice building instead of the locker room after a girl complained to me that she was uncomfortable in the same locker room as me.
  I began binding my chest when 1 was 13, ten years ago. It’s painful,it makes it hrd to breath, I get faint and dizzy and nauseous⑦, and the idea that people would be able to notice my chet size anyway causes me such bad anxiety that I take medication for it. But 1 cannot leave my house without my binder on, even though it digs into my skin and bruises me, and has almost caused me to pass out at work more than once. This is because I have a fear that if someone notices that I’m trans, they’ll either refer to me as a female, or hurt me. That is not even an irrational fear. People like me are beaten, raped, burned, stoned, drowned, cut, shot, and murdered at a rate that would make any reasonable person terrified.
  As a trans person, I’ve had nasty things said to me, things thrown at me,I’ve been shot with a pellet gun from a moving car, someone tried to hit me with a car on my sophomore⑧ year, and I’ve been laughed at, pointed at, stared at, mocked, and humiliated all my life. I have been called tranny⑨, dyke⑩, he—she, and it, all to my face. In online discussions, people have offered to"teach me how to be a woman" (which essentially means they offered to rape me until I agreed I was female), told me that 1 would never "be a man" because of my chromosomes(染色体) (I’ve never had a chromosome test, so even I don’t know what my chromosomes actually are), and told that I’m just doing this for male privilege (as if 1 knew what that was when 1 was 3).
  T ransition is not a one—time thing. For some people, it takes years,and for some, it never ends. I have been in transition f or more than a decade, and it will probably take another decade to get where 1 want to be.
  I do not regret deciding to transition. I had suicidal thoughts at the age of 7. Nobody needs that much misery in their life. Since I’ve begun transitioning, I feel free, happy, and complete for the first time in my life.


“嗒,嗒,嗒……”这是一个宁静而又忧伤的夜。夜雨失去了那凶猛、咆哮的呐喊,不知为何,成了眼泪滴滴落在古老的青石板上……  我记忆中的青石板,就像戴望舒笔下那个结着丁香般忧愁的姑娘,在那没有阳光的阴天,朦胧的薄雾笼罩着,暗灰色的气氛氤氲开来。父亲经常带我来这儿,陪我一起行走,他走得比我快,那高大而结实的身影是这蒙蒙细雨中我的指明灯:儿时的我特别调皮,总喜欢在青石板上不停地蹦跳,一不留神,“扑通”一声
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