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  It’s Time to Say Goodbye to the Step-by-step Life
  I went to college early in this century, when the drug of choice on campus was sleep deprivation①. Students trying to do more than the day allowed would run their work into the night and brave the bleary②consequences. I partook. Often, after classes, I’d rehearse with the campus orchestra I played in. Later, I’d go to the offices of the school newspaper, where it might be my turn to proofread the next morning’s edition. By the time the pages closed, it would be 3 or 4 A.M. I’d walk home, perch at my desk, and finish writing a course paper. A new day, somehow, had already begun.
  Most students at élite schools knew what they were getting into long before they actually got in.
  L ike many wit h an upward approach, I aspired to take school seriously. Early in my freshman year, I’d had a vision of myself as a much older man, a professor, gray-haired and bespectacled③ and maybe a little fat, trundling④ home from a campus music recital in a long blue coat. This older self would brew tea, switch on his desk lamp, and spend a few hours pecking away at a subdued⑤ but brilliant study of American modernism before collapsing into an armchair with a book. It seemed great. But it didn’t seem the life for which I was being trained. Instead, there was the breakneck schedule and the projects reaching for a world beyond the university gates.
  L earning is supposed t o be about falling down and getting up again until you do it right. But, in an academic culture that demands constant achievement, failures seem so perilous⑥ that the best and the brightest often spend their young years in terrariums⑦ of excellence. The result is what Deresiewicz calls "a violent aversion to risk." Even after graduation, élite students show a taste for track-based, well-paid industries like finance and consulting.
  T he net ef f ect, Deresiewicz believes, is the smothering of students’"souls":
  "The job of college is to assist you, or force you, to start on your way through the vale of soul-m aking. Books, ideas, works of art and thought, the pressure of the minds around you that are looking for their own answers in their own ways: all of these are incitements, disruptions, violations. They m ake you question everything you thought you knew about yourself."
  "I used to think that we needed to create a world where every child had an equal chance to get to the Ivy League," he writes. "I’ve come to see that what we really need is to create one where you don’t have to go to the Ivy League, or any private college, to get a firstrate education."

看,那朵绽放的花。在这幽僻的山谷,在土石的暗黄中,竟出现了这一抹白,白得让人心颤。  它在风中挺立,摇曳。这朵不知名的野花,在那人手不可及的断崖,在碎石灰土中扎根,却绽放出了别样的美,春风轻柔地抚摸着它,阳光照耀温暖着它。它在会心地笑,在这无人涉足之地。  它本应在花园中受人观赏、赞叹,或者在温暖的花瓶中享受着闲情雅趣。只是,这些,早已决定。这是一颗怎样不幸的种子啊!它也许从高山飞来,也许从低狭的
I know that I am wrong, that we cannot give ourselves completely. Otherwise, we could not create. But there are no limits to loving, and what does it matter to me if I hold things badly if I can embra
三年时光,一晃而过,中考结束了,在人生的路途上我又迈出了一大步。回想三年来学习与生活的点点滴滴,有困惑、有挫折、有辛苦、有顿悟,也有喜悦。在学习中,最难忘、最有趣的还是那一节化学课。  有一天,郑老师一走进实验室就神秘地对我们说:“老师今天要做一个让你们终生难忘的实验。”老师话音刚落,班里的同学有的兴奋得一蹦三尺高,还有的说:“郑老师肯定又在吹牛。”实验室里顿时炸开了锅。  老师准备了空的纸质铁观
一张黑色的幕布渐渐挂上了天空,却还留着些许空隙。风停下脚步,漫山遍野的花闭了眼,树在山的怀抱中睡着了,最活跃的鸟儿向大家道一声“晚安”,在这静悄悄的夜里隐没了。只有人家屋里溢出来的一缕暗黄的光洒落一地,才让寂静的夜有了一些温度。  放眼望去,在一条弯折而平坦的乡间小路上,可以瞧见一个模糊的人影。他好像在摸索什么,又好像在寻找什么。那就是我,沉浸在思考中的我。  几个小时前,我和爸爸妈妈正享用着妈妈
“嗒,嗒,嗒……”这是一个宁静而又忧伤的夜。夜雨失去了那凶猛、咆哮的呐喊,不知为何,成了眼泪滴滴落在古老的青石板上……  我记忆中的青石板,就像戴望舒笔下那个结着丁香般忧愁的姑娘,在那没有阳光的阴天,朦胧的薄雾笼罩着,暗灰色的气氛氤氲开来。父亲经常带我来这儿,陪我一起行走,他走得比我快,那高大而结实的身影是这蒙蒙细雨中我的指明灯:儿时的我特别调皮,总喜欢在青石板上不停地蹦跳,一不留神,“扑通”一声
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