一、领导班子坚强有力。坚持以邓小平理论为指导,认真贯彻江泽民同志关于“讲学习、讲政治、讲正气”的指示精神,坚持两手抓、两手都要硬的方针,企业改革、发展和稳定工作协调一致,两个文明建设成果显著。 二、企业党组织发挥了政治核心作用,加强了对思想政治工作的领导。有健全的思想政治工作制度,有适应工作需要的政工机构,有一支政治业务素质较高的精干的专职政工干部队伍。重视发挥工会、共青团组织的作用。思想政治工作有计划、有布置、有检查、有考核、有总结,运转正常有效。
First, the leadership is strong and powerful. Adhere to Deng Xiaoping Theory as a guide, conscientiously implement Comrade Jiang Zemin’s directive on “stresses learning, politics, and righteousness”, upholding the principle of “using both hands and both hands hard”, coordinating the reform, development and stability of enterprises, Significant construction achievements. Second, the party organizations of enterprises have played a political and core role and strengthened the leadership over ideological and political work. There is a sound ideological and political work system, a political organization that meets the needs of the work, and a capable contingent of full-time political cadres with a high political quality. Emphasis on giving play to the role of trade unions and youth league organizations. Ideological and political work plan, layout, inspection, assessment, summary, normal and effective operation.