In the southern part of our country, the reform of the farming system has enabled us to get three crops and more ripe crops. In the Huaihe River basin in the north, the frost-free period in the Yellow River Basin is only 200 days. Can we get more and more high yields? Before the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, though I This issue has been considered. However, at that time, it was a matter of turning a blind eye to the study in the inner courtyard of a tall building, getting out of politics, leaving itself out of production and out of the hands of the masses and always could not solve the problem. In March 1969, driven by the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, I came to Queshan County in Henan Province and later went to Lianchi Commune in Shenqiu County for a long time and embarked on a combination of workers and peasants the way. For more than six years, I am under the poor