抢抓机遇 大力发展战略性新兴产业

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培育和发展战略性新兴产业,是抢占新一轮经济和科技发展制高点的重大战略,也是促进经济社会可持续发展的必然选择,对于吉林经开区来说尤为迫切。一是职责所在。开发区是改革开放的前沿阵地,在推动全省“三化统筹”实施“三动战略”中起着领跑的作用。二是形势所迫。当前国际国内竞争非常激烈,不进则退,在招商引资、项目建设上首先要考虑战略性新兴产业。三是发展之需。吉林经开区是长吉图先导区建设的重要节点,对全省的快速发展起到带动辐射的作用,吉林经开区应主动承担起率先突破的重任。同时,吉林经开区自2009年以来,在招大商招群商思路的指引下,抢先发展战略性新兴产业,已经具 Cultivating and developing strategic emerging industries is a major strategy for ushering in a new round of high grounds for economic and technological development, and it is also an inevitable choice for promoting sustainable economic and social development. This is particularly urgent for Jilin Economic Development Zone. One is where the responsibility lies. The development zone is the frontline of reform and opening up, and it plays a leading role in promoting the province’s “three-way overall planning” implementation and “three-action strategy.” The second is the situation. At present, international and domestic competition is very fierce. If you do not advance, you will need to consider strategic emerging industries for investment promotion and project construction. The third is the need for development. Jilin Economic Development Zone is an important node in the construction of the Changjitu Pilot Zone, and it has played a role in stimulating the rapid development of the province. Jilin Economic Development Zone should take the initiative to take the lead in breaking the heavy responsibility. At the same time, since 2009, Jilin Economic Development Zone, under the guidance of the idea of ​​recruiting business and business people, has taken the lead in developing strategic emerging industries.
科学史是科学结论产生的过程。其中除了科学家的科学研究过程外,更重要的是这种研究过程中的实验方法和整个探究过程中表现出来的科学的精神和科学的态度。所以一个科学史的讲述其实是对学生从科学的各个方面进行的全面教育。结合新的教育理念,现就科学史教育谈下面几点。  一、明确科学史的教学目标  科学史的教学目标仅仅只是在讲述结论吗?很显然不是。一个科学史教学,我们要传授给学生的也不只是最后的结论和认识几个伟大
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