Counting wavelength demodulation of FBG sensors

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Measuring amplitude of signal is the usual method in wavelength demodulation of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors recently. This method is easy to be disturbed and has low precision. In this paper, a novel counting wavelength demodula- tion scheme of FBG sensors using a high birefringent fiber (HBF) loop mirror is reported. This demodulator has simple structure, high precision, cheap price and convenient use. The resolution of the loop mirror device with a HBF of 30 meters long is 0.067 nm. For a center wavelength of FBG of about 1550 nm and a 40 nm shift range of its reflection wavelength, the relative error of measurement is only ± 0.001. This wavelength demodulation device has significance for widespread application of FBG sensors. Measuring amplitude of signal is the usual method in wavelength demodulation of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors recently. This method is easy to be disturbed and has low precision. In this paper, a novel counting wavelength demodulation scheme of FBG sensors using a This demodulator has simple structure, high precision, cheap price and convenient use. The resolution of the loop mirror device with a HBF of 30 meters long is 0.067 nm. For a center wavelength of FBG of about 1550 nm and a 40 nm shift range of its reflection wavelength, the relative error of measurement is only ± 0.001. This wavelength demodulation device has significance for widespread application of FBG sensors.
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