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  The end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010 will be heaven for anime fans: there have been so many long-awaited, highly-anticipated films popping up[冒出来] that even a new season of TV anime seems somehow dimmer[黯淡的]. With all those well-known names – Macross Frontier, Eden of the East, One Piece, Space Battleship Yamato, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Fate / Stay Night, among many others – how can you ever take your eyes off the big screen?
  Here’s one of the reasons that made 2009 so different: it marks the 10th anniversary of One Piece, Eiichiro Oda’s bestselling pirate adventure franchise[特许经营权]. As a result, the release date of its 10th film, One Piece Film: Strong World, has been greatly postponed[推迟] from March to December. Unlike previous films, Oda is personally overseeing[监督] its production. He created a new story about Nami’s leaving Luffy and Straw Hats, and has created hundreds of pages of rough drawings for the film.
  Another thing I love about 2009 is Eden of the East. The 11-episode anime wowed me at first sight in April, and has topped my – and most audiences’ – list of “best anime in 2009” since then. It keeps reminding me why we just love mystery: when it’s done right, the genre can produce the most captivating[迷人的] and unique stories.
  Saki Morimi is in Washington D.C. celebrating her college graduation when she comes across a naked man. The stranger, Akira Takizawa, has no memory of himself. Nor does he know how he ended up in America with eight billion Yen in digital cash in his cell phone. In order to find out the truth, the two return to Japan…
  The name Chika Umino promises ultra[极度的]-creativity since her manga hit Honey and Clover, so I was ready for surprises. But Eden offers more than just surprise. As the story evolves, it also discusses various aspects of today’s reality: terrorism, missile attacks, NEETs注1, and the cell phone culture. When the hero faces his final challenge, it’s actually breathe-taking – a feeling that rarely strikes me these days. No wonder the production team announced a theatrical[剧场的] adaptation, which would take two films to conclude the whole story, right at the end of the series. Eden of the East the Movie I: The King of Eden, was shown in November, while Eden of the East the Movie II: Paradise Lost will open in January, 2010.
  So 2010 may continue to be a really great year. Besides unveiling[揭开] all the remaining secrets around Akira, we also have the chance to return to the battlefield of Fate / Stay Night.
  In 2006, a war started in order to attain the Holy Grail[圣杯]. Each Master could call up one Servant to fight. Only the wining pair could be granted the Holy Grail, and any wish they desired would come true. An average boy, Shiro Emiya, accidentally summoned[召唤] his Servant, Saber. They were immediately drawn into the war…
  Type-Moon’s Fate / Stay Night is hugely appraised as the “best visual novel注2 ever.” Fate, Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven’s Feel are the three branching[分支的] storylines found within the game. The plot of the TV series has generally followed the Fate storyline. This time, Fate / Stay Night Film: Unlimited Blade Works – as the title itself states – will take the UBW route[路线] and center the story of Shiro’s classmate, Rin Tohsaka, and her Servant, Archer. Since I have been Rin’s fan from the moment I saw her – I’m done with all the ordinary-boy-meets-extraordinary-girl stuff – I can’t wait to find out how in the world the studio can finish this complicated route in the length of less than two hours!
  注1:即“Not in education, employment or training”的缩略形式,最早使用于英国,之后渐渐推广到世界各地,指的是一批不升学、不就业、不进修也不参加就业辅导,终日无所事事的年轻人,类似于国内常说的“家里蹲”和“啃老族”。
听力小提示:本新闻为慢速听力材料,虽有采访内容,但被采访者语速较慢,难度较低,同学们不妨跟读声音,训练语音语调。    UNICEF says the death rate for children under the age of five has fallen 28% since 1990. Experts credit the drop to improvements in public h
Visitors are flocking to Australia’s most famous natural landmark, so they can climb it while they are still allowed to. Some consider this giant sunburned rock the very heart and soul of Australia.  
有时候,一部电影能让你换一种方式看待自己将来的事业和求职方向,并激励你付诸行动。如果你想从前辈身上得到一番激励,不妨看看以下电影。    All the President’s Men 总统班底 (1976)  Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward (Robert Redford) and Carl Bernstein (Dustin Hoffman) kn
如果不相信这个世界上有圣诞老人,请看电影《极地快车》(The Polar Express,2003)。如果想感受一下新年新希望,请看本文。还记得吗?“I believe!”才能听见铃儿响叮当哦。祝大家新年快乐!    One cold morning Maurice awoke from his dreams and sat up in bed and listened. He thought h
理查德是位畅销小说家,全美国都是他的书迷,连纽约市市长都是他的粉丝。他刚刚用主人公斯托姆的死结束了一个畅销小说系列,正苦于没有新的灵感时,在纽约市警察局当探长的凯特突然找上门来——最近的两宗案件里,凶手用的手法竟然和理查德书里的一模一样!  美国人确实很喜欢探案推理剧,而且总能找到新的切入点,让推理迷看得津津有味。《灵书妙探》原本只是ABC在两个电视季之间推出的过渡品。谁料这部没有奇人异士、也不哗
听力小提示:本文无复杂句型,受访人语言风趣幽默,但语速较快,不妨先脱离文字听一遍全文,边听边做笔记,看看受访人到底提供了几条秘笈?之后对照文章再听一遍,检查自己是否找齐了全部秘笈。感觉有点吃力的同学请先通读全文,熟悉生词与内容之后再进行练习。    Greene: Well, I’m looking at your new book, and the title is Can I Wear My
This life is light  Its light burns bright  So we’ll take it day by day  And let it be    And everyone will see  How good it feels  Oh, they’ll see the world for all  That it could be    *Let the sunl
万千粉丝翘首等待一年多的《最终幻想13》确定于2009年12月17日在三种游戏平台同步上市。这套系列游戏的最新篇到底有何亮点?我们请来游戏监制北濑佳范以及史克威尔艾尼克斯公司(Square Enix)总裁桥本真司为大家预热一下!如果你拥有PS3、XBox360或者PSP的话,到时一定不要错过这部神作哦!    Q: It’s   well- known by now that Final Fant
“You’re probably wondering why I 1)enrolled in Spanish in the first place.” Six-foot Danny James 2)slouched in his chair and grinned at me. He was failing Spanish and had asked me to 3)tutor him. “I h