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  All the President’s Men 总统班底 (1976)
  Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward (Robert Redford) and Carl Bernstein (Dustin Hoffman) know they’ve got a big story in Watergate注. Unfortunately, they’re the only ones who seem to know it. This story of single-minded[一心一意的] pursuit
  of the truth can help you stay the
  course[坚持到底] when times get tough during your search for opportunity.
  Coal Miner’s Daughter 矿工的女儿 (1980)
  Country singing star Loretta Lynn (Sissy Spacek) came from a poor background to
  become the pride of Nashville. Success wasn’t without its price, though, and Lynn suffered
  through heartaches, illnesses, losses, and a nervous breakdown. Despite these
  setbacks[挫折], her career survived and her songs remain influential[有影响的] to this day. This film is a great reminder that when you’re down, there’s only one way to go.
  Elizabeth 伊莉莎白 (1998)
  ElizabethⅠ (Cate Blanchett) ruled England
  for more than 40 years, a time known as the Golden Age. But when she first ascended to the throne[登基], she was just 25 and lacked any experience governing a divided nation on the brink[边缘] of ruin. She stepped up and kept her head, learning to trust her instincts[直觉] and manipulate[巧妙地利用] her image. Even if you don’t think you’re ready, seize every opportunity when it arises.
  Field of Dreams梦幻成真 (1989)
  Thinking about opening your own business? If you build it, they will come! Similar words haunted[常(在脑中)出现]
  and inspired Iowa farmer Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) when he built a baseball field on his farm. A lot of folks thought Ray was crazy and you may hear similar reactions, but if you believe in yourself, your venture[冒险事业] may yield similar feel-good results.
  Rudy 追梦赤子心 (1993)
  How do you make a grown man cry? Put Rudy on. Another true-life tale, Daniel E. “Rudy” Ruettiger (Sean Astin) wants nothing more than to play football for Notre Dame. Trouble is, he lacks the grades, the skills, and the size to get him there. Good thing the kid’s got heart. A great example of why you should always refuse to take no for an answer when it comes to your dreams – no matter how many times you hear it.
  Invincible 万夫莫敌 (2006)
  You’re never too old or too amateur[业余的]
  to pursue your professional dreams. Based on the true story of Vince Papale (Mark Wahlberg), Invincible tells the story of a 30-year-old, down-on-his-luck bartender[酒吧招待], who turns an open tryout[选拔] into a football career with the Philadelphia Eagles. This movie is
  guaranteed to put a lump in your
  throat[喉咙哽住(哽咽欲泣)] and a fire in your belly to follow your dreams.
  Rocky洛奇 (1976)
  The ultimate underdog[失败者], Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) doesn’t win the big fight, but he still manages to win everyone’s heart. The washed-up[没有希望了的] boxer goes from hack[过气的人] to hero in 15 gory[血淋淋的] rounds against the champion Apollo Creed (Carl
  Weathers). Even though he loses the game, Rocky proves that he isn’t “just another bum[懒鬼]
  from the neighborhood.” A cinematic[电影的]
  illustration[例证] of the idiom, “It’s not whether you win or lose; it’s how you play the game.”
  注:水门事件是美国历史上最不光彩的政治丑闻之一。在1972年的美国总统大选中,为了取得民主党内部竞选策略的情报,1972年6月17日,以美国共和党尼克松竞选团队的首席安全问题顾问詹姆斯·麦科德(James W. McCord, Jr.)为首的五人闯入位于华盛顿水门大厦的民主党全国委员会办公室,在安装窃听器并偷拍有关文件时当场被捕。此事件导致尼克松总统辞职。
Who can say for certain  Maybe you’re still here  I feel you all around me  Your memory’s so clear    Deep in the stillness  I can hear you speak  You’re still an inspiration[激励]  Can it be    That yo
金秋十月,我们迎来祖国的六十周年华诞。为了庆祝这个举国欢腾的大日子——当然也恰逢CE: Teens六岁生日——同时还为2010年的上海世博会以及广州亚运热身,系列文章《亚洲电影巡礼》正式启动啦!这个电影之旅将在今年年底到明年年初在“娱乐直播室”中刊登,总共包括中国、韩国、印度以及伊朗四站,让大家尽情体验亚洲各国电影的不同特色和美丽风情。首先是我们熟悉的第一站——    It may look li
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