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中央广播电视大学档案专业的文书学课程于本学期开始讲授了,为了辅导同学们学习,现将本课程复习要点提示如下: 文书学全课讲授的内容共为十七章,计有:绪论,文件的特点与作用、文件的种类,文件的体式与稿本,文件撰写的基本要求与步骤,文件的语言,通用文件撰写的要点、文书工作的任务与基本要求。文书工作的组织,文书处理程序、文件的制作(文件定稿的整理与校对)、专门文件的处理(信访文件、会议文件、音象文件以及行政信息的收集与处理)、文书立卷的意义与组织、文书立卷的范围、文书立卷的原则与方法、案卷的系统整理、编目与归档、几种专门文件(审计文件、会计文件、纪检文件、机关保卫组织文件)。现将上述各章的内容概括为文件概述,文件撰写,文件处理与文书立卷四个部分来分别说明复习的要点与参考答案,供同学们学习时参考。 CUCTV archives professional clerical courses began this semester, in order to guide students to learn, now the main points of the course review tips are as follows: Clerical and lectures taught a total of 17 chapters, including: Introduction, The characteristics and functions of documents, the types of documents, the style and manuscripts of documents, the basic requirements and steps of document writing, the language of documents, the essentials of writing common documents, the tasks and basic requirements of clerical work. The organization of clerical work, the procedures for the processing of clerical texts, the preparation of documents (the finalization and proofreading of documents), the handling of special documents (the collection and processing of petition documents, meeting documents, audiovisual documents and administrative information) Organization, the scope of the instrument rolls, the principle and method of rolling the instruments, the system of the file sorting, cataloging and archiving, several specialized documents (audit documents, accounting documents, discipline inspection documents, the organization defends the organization of documents). Now the contents of the above chapters are summarized into four parts: document overview, document writing, document processing and document curling to explain the points and reference answers of the review respectively, for the students to learn reference.
本文首先阐明制定职工薪酬准则的原因,比较新准则与原企业制度在职工薪酬方面有哪些不同,接着举例说明职工薪酬的确认和计量,最后提出职工薪酬准则的注意事项。 This paper
话语权从新闻传播中的表达自由引述到政治生活中的民主参与,本文分析了民主党派话语权的性质、内容和表现形式,并对民主党派如何运用好话语权提出了见解。 The right to spe
本文探讨了医疗卫生系统贿赂犯罪的预防对策,并提出成立预防职务犯罪领导小组。 This article explores the preventive measures against bribery in the medical and heal