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拿到这篇稿件的时候,我首先心生疑惑,这是郭总亲笔写的吗?在这个圈子里,老总亲自执笔的不多,写得有看头的就更少了,一则是众所周知的精力问题,一则是能说能写的“全才”不多。可是实际的情况是:为了这篇稿件,郭总通晓达旦,一直笔耕到凌晨六点钟,可谓是心血之作。能亲自操刀“,静心”尽力完成一篇好似没有商业价值的普通文章,尤其是在年末最忙乱的时候,其精神实在令人感佩!职业使然,通常广告人说的案例多“,人事儿”少,这篇文章通篇说的都是围绕人的事,没有王婆卖瓜的自吹自擂,也没有不知所云的高深艰涩,就像是随意聊天,却又颇具逻辑和文采,情感之深邃,处处暗藏,尤其是文章结尾处和儿子的那段故事,更是令所有读者为之心头一动!为文者知道,大家的笔触“是平淡复平淡”,是从淡极了的深处一点点涌动出智慧和激情,这固然有赖于阅历的积累.也更是修养的折射见证。作为业界知名的传播公司老总,郭伟君的名字从此有了另外一层含义:具有人本主义思想的“文字工作者”。(写到这里,突发灵感:是否可以颁发一个年度大奖,就叫:年度最具人本思想的公司老总……呵呵)读完这篇文章,不少的人都会有这样的感觉:W&K意图扩大地盘、招兵买马的势头正劲!是为编者荐语。亦为最新栏目开山引言。 When I got this manuscript, I first wondered: Is this a piece of paper written by Guo Guo himself? In this circle, the boss wrote less, wrote less, and one is known to all Energy problem, one is able to say that can write “all-entertained” not much. However, the actual situation is: For this manuscript, Guo always familiar with Dadan, has been plowing until six o’clock in the morning, can be described as a masterpiece. Can personally “meditation” try to complete an article as if there is no commercial value of the article, especially in the most hectic end of the year when the spirit is indeed admirable! Professional dictates, usually the ad said many cases, “personnel ”Less, this article throughout the whole story is around the people, there is no boast princess boast, nor did not know the profound sadness, like casual chat, but quite logical and Wen Cai, deep emotion , Hidden everywhere, especially at the end of the article and his son’s story, it is to make all readers heart! A gentleman knows that everyone’s brush strokes are “flat and dull” is from the depths of the faint one A little bit of wisdom and passion surging, of course, depends on the accumulation of experience, but also more refresher testimony. As a well-known communication company boss, Guo Weijun’s name from there another layer of meaning: a humanist ideological “literary workers.” (Write here, the sudden inspiration: whether it can be awarded an annual award, called: annual most humanistic company CEO ... ... Oh) After reading this article, many people will have the feeling: W & K intent Expand the site, the momentum of recruiting people is strong! It is recommended for the editor. Also the latest column mountain introduction.
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