消“肿”减“肥” 刻不容缓

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近年来,行政经费增长过猛,不仅成为社会广泛关注的问题。也是困扰各级财政的一个突出问题。据有关资料,1980年全国行政事业费开支404亿元,到1992年已达1269亿元,增长3.14倍,远远高于同期财政收入和支出的增长速度,给国家财政带来了沉重的负担。行政经费开支庞大,而且连年超支,原因是多方面的,其中有物价上涨、工资调整、补贴增加等因素的影响,但更重要的原因在于机构臃肿和人员膨胀。尽管近年来党中央、国务院曾多次下发文件,要求各级党政严格控制机构设置和人员编制,在“控编”、 In recent years, the excessive growth of administrative expenses has not only become a widespread concern in the society. It is also a prominent problem plaguing the finance at all levels. According to the relevant information, in 1980, the national administrative expenses totaled 40.4 billion yuan, reaching 126.9 billion yuan in 1992, an increase of 3.14 times, much higher than the growth rate of fiscal revenue and expenditure in the same period, posing a heavy burden on the state treasury . Administrative expenditure is huge and overruns in successive years are due to many factors, including price increases, wage adjustments and the increase of subsidies. But the more important reason is the bloated institutions and personnel. Although the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have issued documents on many occasions in recent years, demanding that Party and government at all levels strictly control the establishment of institutions and personnel establishment,
十多年来,我国的财经监督工作得到了一定的发展,对促进改革开放和经济发展,维护正常的政治、经济秩序发挥了重要作用。随着经济体制改革的不断深入,特别是社会主义市场经 F
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【正】 前不久,常熟市政协港澳台侨(民宗)委与农工党市委联合组织市属医院的名医到长鸿特种钢有限公司,为该企业职工进行义务医疗咨询。市政协副主席丁振华(图左一)到现场看
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有关数字表明,同全国各大中城市相比较,深圳市个体税收增长速度名列全国第一。 据称,深圳市个体经济发展迅速,个体工商户已经达到9万多家,有近21万名从业者,个体私营的总注