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党中央、国务院决定从今年起在全国实行分税制财政管理体制,这是我国建立社会主义市场经济体制的重大举措,也是我国建国以来历次财税体制改革中牵动最大、涉及最广的一次重大改革。那么,如何看待新体制给地方带来的影响与变化呢?经过几个月的实践,笔者经过分析与思考,总的认为实施新体制后对地方经济的发展,既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面,也可以说是困难与希望同在,挑战与机遇并存。我们应抓住机遇,迎战困难,乘势而上,在困境中找出路,在改革中求发展,推进分税制体制的顺利实施并取得预期成效。 Since the beginning of this year, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have decided to implement a system of tax-sharing fiscal management in the country. This is a major measure for establishing a socialist market economic system in our country. It is also a major reform that has touched the most and most extensively the fiscal and taxation system reform since the founding of China. So, how to treat the impact of the new system on the local changes? After several months of practice, the author after analysis and reflection, the general view that the implementation of the new system of local economic development, there are both advantages and disadvantages It can also be said that difficulties and hopes are the same. Challenges and opportunities coexist. We should seize the opportunities, face the difficulties, ride the upper hand, find our way out of difficult situations, seek development through reforms, promote the smooth implementation of the system of tax-sharing and achieve the expected results.
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消费税——不应有的误导 岁末之际,大江南北忽然刮起了一股抢购风,从粮油到蔬菜,从副食到电器。人们议论纷纷:听说要征收消费税。 什么是消费税?到底征收多少?向谁征税?很少
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