加大投入力度 扶持棉花生产

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我们石港镇位于江苏省通州市北部,是历代以从事粮棉生产为主的农业地区。1993年,棉花生产在遭受多种自然灾害的情况下,仍然获得了较好收成,全镇植棉面积1.04万亩,比市下达任务增加14.4%,单产列通州市万亩乡镇第一名,总产比市下达指标增长10.6%,获通州市“双丰杯”竞赛一等奖。一、立足培植财源,充分认识棉花生产的重要地位石港镇属粮棉轮作区,以产粮为主,群众重粮轻棉的思想根深蒂固,加之镇村工业和第三产业的迅猛发展,转移了大量农村务农劳动力,以及棉花收购政策掌 We Shigang Town is located in the northern part of Tongzhou City, Jiangsu Province, is the history of grain and cotton production in the main agricultural areas. In 1993, cotton production still received better harvests under various natural disasters. The town’s cotton planting area totaled 10,400 mu, an increase of 14.4% over the number of tasks assigned to the city. The yield per unit was the highest among 10,000 mu townships in Tongzhou City, Total output than the city issued an increase of 10.6%, by Tongzhou City “Shuangfeng Cup ” contest first prize. First, based on the cultivation of financial resources, fully aware of the important position of cotton production Shiguang Town is a grain and cotton rotation for the district, with grain-based, people heavy grain light cotton deep-rooted ideas, combined with the rapid development of town and village tertiary industry, transfer A large number of rural labor force, as well as the cotton acquisition policy palm
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十多年来,我国的财经监督工作得到了一定的发展,对促进改革开放和经济发展,维护正常的政治、经济秩序发挥了重要作用。随着经济体制改革的不断深入,特别是社会主义市场经 F