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我国的钢铁企业进入九十年代中后期,已经呈现出总量相对饱和状态,钢铁产品的主要矛盾已经从数量不足转移到品种不完全适应,质量不高上来。同时因劳动生产率低,能耗高及各种涨价因素形成的成本过高,已难抵御国外进口钢材的冲击与竞争。我国钢铁企业如何从一个钢铁大国走向钢铁强国,立于市场竞争中的不败之地,首先必须按照现代化钢铁企业的技术经济指标为目标。按照国际先进钢铁企业的经营管理模式组织生产经营,否则就会被无情的市场竞争挤垮。一、经济起飞过程中我国钢铁企业的特征 China’s iron and steel enterprises entered the mid-to-late period of the nineties, and they have shown a relative total amount of saturation. The major contradictions of steel products have shifted from insufficient quantities to imperfectly-adapted varieties with low quality. At the same time, it is hard to resist the impact and competition of imported steel products due to the high cost of labor productivity, high energy consumption and various price hikes. How our steel enterprises from a steel power to a steel power, stand on the market in an invincible position, first of all must be in accordance with the modernization of steel technology and economic indicators as the goal. In accordance with the international advanced management and operation of iron and steel enterprises to organize production and management, otherwise it will be crushed cruel market competition. First, the characteristics of China’s iron and steel enterprises in the process of economic take-off
居住建筑是当前我国最紧缺的房屋类型,在居住建筑的墙、柱、基础的结构设计中,垂直话荷载折减系数的取值大小,随着房屋向多高层方向发展,已日益显得重要。 Residential bui
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本文对波兰产K1008A挖掘机所用6VD14.5/12-ISR L型柴油机和B2PV105型液压泵换装国产件进行了经济与技术可行性分析,提出了连接安装应注意的具体事项。 This article analyze
为了展示近年来我国出口创汇的高、新技术产品的水平及取得的成绩,检阅经初审列入国家第一批“火炬计划项目的水平,并进一步推动“火炬”计划的实 In order to show the level