banker’s hours
banker是银行家。三十多年前银行开门营业的时间特别短,从早上十点到下午两、三点就结束了,所以银行家的上班时间每天只有四、五个小时,于是人们就开始流行用banker’s hours这个说法来特指安逸舒适的工作了。如今的银行为了在激烈的竞争中生存,也不得不延长每天的营业时间。但是banker’s hours这个说法如今却仍然流行。例句:
Joe, come on and get out of bed! You won’t be working banker’s hours, you know—you’ve got to be there bright and early at 7 am, ready to pump gas for the customers.
I’m sure most congressmen work as hard as I do. But this guy likes to keep banker’s hours: he gets there at noon, eats lunch, sees a few people, and goes home at 4 or 5 pm.
这里的banker’s hours还是指既短又舒服的上班时间。
happy hour
happy hour从字面上看意思显然是快乐时光。这个说法起源于四十多年前纽约的一家酒吧。一天店主在玻璃橱窗上贴了一张广告说,这家酒吧把每天下午五点到六点定为happy hour。在这段时间,半价出售饮料,而这个时间段正是人们离开办公室回家的时候。这张happy hour广告立即吸引了街上熙来攘往的人群。这家酒吧马上生意兴隆,而其它酒吧和饭店看后也争相效仿,不久之后,happy hour这股风吹到别的城市甚至其它国家,有的地方还把happy hour从五点延长到七点,长达两小时。所以happy hour就指饮食店为了吸引顾客而提供减价饮料和小吃的时段。例句:
The food in that new Italian restaurant across the street is pretty good, but business is slow. So they’ve started a happy hour in the hope people will stay on and order dinner.
顾客在工作之余的happy hour喝喝饮料,聊聊闲天,舒心之极。有些店在happy hour甚至还为喝饮料的顾客免费提供点心,这一来顾客就更是高兴了。
Let’s go to that bar on the corner for happy hour after work. One beer is always enough for me, but I love those little spicy meat balls and other snacks they put on the table free.
zero hour
zero hour字面意思是零点。这个习惯用语起始于1917年第一次世界大战期间,是指发动某一军事行动的时刻。在这关键性时刻迫近时,战壕里的军官便看着手表上的分针秒针倒数计时直到预定时刻,也就是零点,就立即对部下发出信号,命令士兵跃出战壕冲向敌人的阵地。如今军队里仍然用zero hour来指发动军事行动的时刻,但是这个说法现在也被用在日常生活中与军事无关的各种场合,包括运动项目或者国会内决定性的表决等等。zero hour用在日常生活中的意思就是:关键性或者决定性时刻。例句:
All the waiting is over—it’s zero hour for the game we’re all waiting for, the players are out on the court and the referee is ready to throw the ball up and start the game.
the eleventh hour
the eleventh hour意思是十一点,也就是午夜前的最后一小时。那么习惯用语the eleventh hour含义是什么呢? 它是“最后时刻”的意思。例句:
I thought I had lost out because I didn’t hear from the company after my interview. But at the eleventh hour, when I was packing to go back home, they called and said they wanted to hire me.
Look, it’s the eleventh hour for getting this contract signed! If we don’t deliver it to the customer by 10 am tomorrow, we lose the whole deal, so we’ll work all night if we have to.
banker是银行家。三十多年前银行开门营业的时间特别短,从早上十点到下午两、三点就结束了,所以银行家的上班时间每天只有四、五个小时,于是人们就开始流行用banker’s hours这个说法来特指安逸舒适的工作了。如今的银行为了在激烈的竞争中生存,也不得不延长每天的营业时间。但是banker’s hours这个说法如今却仍然流行。例句:
Joe, come on and get out of bed! You won’t be working banker’s hours, you know—you’ve got to be there bright and early at 7 am, ready to pump gas for the customers.
I’m sure most congressmen work as hard as I do. But this guy likes to keep banker’s hours: he gets there at noon, eats lunch, sees a few people, and goes home at 4 or 5 pm.
这里的banker’s hours还是指既短又舒服的上班时间。
happy hour
happy hour从字面上看意思显然是快乐时光。这个说法起源于四十多年前纽约的一家酒吧。一天店主在玻璃橱窗上贴了一张广告说,这家酒吧把每天下午五点到六点定为happy hour。在这段时间,半价出售饮料,而这个时间段正是人们离开办公室回家的时候。这张happy hour广告立即吸引了街上熙来攘往的人群。这家酒吧马上生意兴隆,而其它酒吧和饭店看后也争相效仿,不久之后,happy hour这股风吹到别的城市甚至其它国家,有的地方还把happy hour从五点延长到七点,长达两小时。所以happy hour就指饮食店为了吸引顾客而提供减价饮料和小吃的时段。例句:
The food in that new Italian restaurant across the street is pretty good, but business is slow. So they’ve started a happy hour in the hope people will stay on and order dinner.
顾客在工作之余的happy hour喝喝饮料,聊聊闲天,舒心之极。有些店在happy hour甚至还为喝饮料的顾客免费提供点心,这一来顾客就更是高兴了。
Let’s go to that bar on the corner for happy hour after work. One beer is always enough for me, but I love those little spicy meat balls and other snacks they put on the table free.
zero hour
zero hour字面意思是零点。这个习惯用语起始于1917年第一次世界大战期间,是指发动某一军事行动的时刻。在这关键性时刻迫近时,战壕里的军官便看着手表上的分针秒针倒数计时直到预定时刻,也就是零点,就立即对部下发出信号,命令士兵跃出战壕冲向敌人的阵地。如今军队里仍然用zero hour来指发动军事行动的时刻,但是这个说法现在也被用在日常生活中与军事无关的各种场合,包括运动项目或者国会内决定性的表决等等。zero hour用在日常生活中的意思就是:关键性或者决定性时刻。例句:
All the waiting is over—it’s zero hour for the game we’re all waiting for, the players are out on the court and the referee is ready to throw the ball up and start the game.
the eleventh hour
the eleventh hour意思是十一点,也就是午夜前的最后一小时。那么习惯用语the eleventh hour含义是什么呢? 它是“最后时刻”的意思。例句:
I thought I had lost out because I didn’t hear from the company after my interview. But at the eleventh hour, when I was packing to go back home, they called and said they wanted to hire me.
Look, it’s the eleventh hour for getting this contract signed! If we don’t deliver it to the customer by 10 am tomorrow, we lose the whole deal, so we’ll work all night if we have to.