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  Reporter: If you’ve ever dreamt of living life under the sea, the Philippine Mermaid Swimming Academy in Manila could be the place for you. Coaches teach swimmers how to master the 1)plexiglass and rubber mono-fin tails and 2)frolic like the real mythical aquatic creatures.
  Student A: Well, I think every girl wants to be a mermaid at one point in her life.
  Reporter: The school started as a creative way to teach swimming to young children. Coaches soon found that half human-half fish people could be good role models.
  Mermaid Coach: We have this notion that the mermaids are beautiful, are playful, are fun, and adventurous and graceful, so that is what we want to impart to the kids also.
  Reporter: Learning how to do dolphin kicks, 3)handstands and blow kisses underwater seems to have 4)made a splash with the students.
  Student B: I feel happy because I get to swim. I get to swim like a mermaid, because I wanted to be a mermaid since I was young.
  Reporter: And swimming in a skin-tight suit requires 5)abdominal and muscle strength, making it for a good workout too.
弦乐四重奏的演奏声中,集中营前的空地上,一对对囚犯如恋人般相拥起舞,舞向那熊熊燃烧的死亡的熔炉中……这是科恩对歌曲中场景所作的描述。歌曲悲伤却不低沉,死亡来临前,牵上一双陌生却足够让尘封记忆回温的手,回忆美好也行,想象美好也罢,最后以爱的身姿消失在烈火中。  伦纳德·科恩(Leonard Cohen),加拿大著名词曲作家,音乐人,诗人及小说家,1934年出生在富有浓厚欧洲气息的蒙特利尔,大学修的是
Few teachers drive a 1)Lamborghini supercar. Richard Eng does, but then, he’s one of Hong Kong’s super tutors.  Richard Eng (Beacon College): (in class) Open up to popular culture, popular culture.  E
也许你已经去过香港的迪士尼乐园,也许你已经到过美国的迪士尼,也许你正期待着到上海的迪士尼玩耍,也许你只是在各种媒体或书报上看到它的介绍。但迪士尼世界还有不少不为人知的小秘密,一起来了解一下吧。  The Walt Disney World Resort. Its familiar sights and scenes are spread across four theme parks, two w
Interviewer: So many movies in such a short period of time, and you got nominated for an Oscar when you were 13?  Ronan: Yeah.  Interviewer: That must have...What a feeling that must have been? How di
abriel Garcia Marquez was and remains Latin America’s best-known writer, spinning epic tales since the 1940s, the master of a style known as magic realism.  He started out as a newspaper reporter, and
Reporter: Over the past few decades, the Chinese economy has grown at breakneck speed to become the second biggest in the whole world. Rapid growth has been accompanied by huge changes in industry aft
又是一年寒假结束时,此刻的你们应该都已经返校或者在公司上班了,度过了一个欢乐祥和的春节,你们是否也和本文主人公一样,带着些许疲惫,带着些许感恩呢?不管怎么样,过好每一天,爱身边的人,像向日葵一样快乐吧。  I believe that if you’re the person in your family who arranged for and executed the celebration
因为身材好而选择做模特的人很多很多,但是你有没有听说过套着义肢走T台的?你有没有见过踏着假肢跑得比正常人还快的?艾米·穆林斯,残奥会短跑冠军、模特、演员,拥有整整一打义肢的她可以凭借自己的选择去决定自己的高度,她可以优雅地卷起裤子,卸下一条腿,然后再换上另一条。无论是台上还是台下,她都这么美,自信美,她用行动告诉世人这个道理—— 没有什么是不可能的。  Reporter: A few days f
一个年轻女子因对文学作品的喜爱而视其作者为偶像,并渐渐地爱上了这位作家,成为他金屋藏娇的秘密情妇。此类故事既是诸多文学、影视作品中常见的套路,更是现实生活中不时会听到的“轶事”。只不过在电影《看不见的女人》里,男主人公是十九世纪的英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯,背景略为久远了一些。  特南夫人带着她的三个女儿活跃在英国的戏剧舞台上。她们有机会认识了当时已誉满英国的狄更斯,并参与了他一部话剧的表演。特南夫人
Reporter: “No Ball Games” is one of Banksy’s most famous pieces of street art, but work began this week to remove it from the wall it’s been on for at least four years. Today, at the 1)junction of Tot