Study on the Carry Capacity of Edible Jellyfish Fishery in Liaodong Bay

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:m987987
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Jellyfish fishing is a special type of fishery that mainly exists in some countries of East and Southeast Asia. China has the largest jellyfish fishery yield in the world with an annual harvest of around 300 thousand tons. Liaodong Bay is the most important jellyfish fishery ground in China. However, due to the high benefits of jellyfish fishery, which leads to illegal and out-of-season jellyfish fishing occurring each year in Liaodong Bay. Illegal jellyfish fishery in Liaodong Bay is a typical example of the tragedy of the commons. The key problem is that fishermen seek to an illegally initiate jellyfish fishing as early as possible. In this paper, basing on the data of edible jellyfish’s biology and ecology, we mainly analyzed the history of jellyfish fishery in China, especially in Liaodong bay, and then we calculated the carry capacity of edible jellyfish in Liaodong Bay which is about 300 thousand tons one year. This number is equal to the recent annual yield of edible jellyfish in China. Furthermore, basing on the carry capacity and reasonable quotas price analysis, we set up a Jellyfish fishing quotas and deficit quotas buyback system which could be a suitable and effective solution for jellyfish fishery management and development in Liaodong Bay at the underlying roots. Although China is the first country with edible jellyfish aquaculture, the annual yield of jellyfish aquaculture is only one fifth of jellyfish fishing. So, there is a very bright developing prospect about edible jellyfish aquaculture in China. Jellyfish fishing is a special type of fishery that mainly exists in some countries of East and Southeast Asia. China has the largest largest jellyfish fishery yield in the world with an annual harvest of around 300 000 tons. Liaodong Bay is the most important jellyfish fishery ground in China. However, due to the high benefits of jellyfish fishery, which leads to illegal and out-of-season jellyfish fishing found each year in Liaodong Bay. Illegal jellyfish fishery in Liaodong Bay is a typical example of the tragedy of the commons. The Key to this fisherman seek to an illegally in jellyfish fishing as early as possible. In this paper, basing on the data of edible jellyfish’s biology and ecology, we analyze the history of jellyfish fishery in China, especially in Liaodong bay, and then we calculated the carry capacity of edible jellyfish in Liaodong Bay which is about 300 thousand tons one year. This number is equal to the recent annual yield of edible jellyfish i n China. Furthermore, basing on the carry capacity and reasonable quotas price analysis, we set up a Jellyfish fishing quotas and deficit quotas buyback system which could be a suitable and effective solution for jellyfish fishery management and development in Liaodong Bay at the underlying roots. Although China is the first country with edible jellyfish aquaculture, the annual yield of jellyfish aquaculture is only one fifth of jellyfish fishing. So, there is a very bright developing prospect about edible jellyfish aquaculture in China.
【摘 要】现代高校教师必须掌握的一项教学技能就是现代教育技术应用能力。随着科技的进步,高等院校的教学方式也发生了天翻地覆的变化,高等院校的教师必须掌握现代化教育设备才能够跟得上潮流,才能够满足高校基本教学的需要。认识和掌握高校教师现代教育技术应用能力的培养,对于做好高校教师现代教育技术素质培养以及促进高校教育机制改革和创新课堂教学模式、优化教学过程、提高教学质量等都有着极其重要的作用。所以,高校教
【摘 要】民办高校应用型人才的培养需要应用型教师队伍建设作为保障。本文从兼职教师队伍建设、“双师型”教师队伍建设、校企合作加强和学校实验实训基地建设四个方面进行了阐述。  【关键词】民办高校 应用型教师 队伍建设  在企业领域,人力资本是第一资本。同样,在教育领域,人力资源—教师也是第一资源。正如前任清华大学校长梅贻琦所言:“所谓大学者,非谓有大楼之谓也,有大师之谓也。”民办高校教师作为学校教学工