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近年来关于如何合理地开发利用海南岛的自然资源,具体一点就是发展林业和橡胶的关系问题,争论很多。诸如森林的作用;林胶价值比较;热作发展和林业规划设想等,很多材料已作了详细的阐述,这里不再赘述了,只在如何发展林业生产及其有关的主要问题,谈几点不成熟的意见供参考。一、现有林的保护问题根据1979年森林资源连续清查材料,海南岛热带天然林(包括原始林和次生林)有608.4万亩(其中农垦122.4万亩),占全岛总面积的11.9%;蓄积量为5932万立方米(农垦872万立方米)。覆被率比解放初期减少了13.8%,蓄积量下降40%以上。森林植 In recent years, there are many controversies about how to exploit and utilize the natural resources of Hainan Island in a rational way. Specifically, it is to develop the relationship between forestry and rubber. Such as the role of the forest; comparison of the value of the forestry glue; development of hot work and forestry planning ideas, a lot of materials have been elaborated, not repeat them here, only how to develop forestry and its related major issues, Immature advice for reference. I. Existing Protection of Forests According to the continuous inventory of forest resources in 1979, there were 6,080,000 mu of tropical natural forests (including primary and secondary forests) in Hainan Island (of which 1,224,000 mu are owned by land reclamation), accounting for 11.9% of the total area of ​​the island. Volume of 59.32 million cubic meters (8.77 million cubic meters of land reclamation). Coverage rate was 13.8% less than in the early days of liberation, and the stock volume decreased by 40% or more. Forest planting
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