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巨大淋巴结增生(Giant Lymph Node Hyperplasia简称GLNH)是一罕见疾病。我院从1979—1986年共收治腹膜后GLNH3例,结合文献加以讨论。 例1 男,33岁。1982年9月1日因右上腹肿物3年入院。体检:右上腹触及一拳头大肿物,表面光滑,质硬,上界不清,活动度小。B超检查结果为右上腹实质性包块,可能来自腹膜后。静脉肾盂造影提示为右肾外肿物,右肾及输尿管向前移位。9月7日剖腹探查,见右肝下有一巨大肿物自后腹膜突起,肿物表面凹凸不平,有明显血管怒张,质硬,包膜完整。鉴于肿物与肾动、静脉紧密粘连及未排除恶性变,因此将肿物与右肾一併切除。肿物大小为18×10×6cm, Giant Lymph Node Hyperplasia (GLNH) is a rare disease. In our hospital from 1979 to 1986, a total of 3 cases of GLNH were treated retrospectively. Example 1 Male, 33 years old. On September 1, 1982, he was admitted to the hospital with a mass of the right upper quadrant for 3 years. Physical examination: The right upper quadrant touched a large fist mass, the surface was smooth, the quality was hard, the upper boundary was unclear, and the activity was small. The result of the B-ultrasound was a substantial mass in the right upper quadrant, probably from the retroperitoneum. Intravenous pyelogram showed a right extrarenal mass and the right kidney and ureter were displaced forward. During the exploratory laparotomy on September 7th, there was a huge mass under the right hepatic plexus protruding from the posterior peritoneum. The surface of the tumor was bumpy, and there was obvious angulation of the blood vessels, which was hard and the capsule was intact. In view of the tight adhesion of the tumor with renal arteries and veins and the exclusion of malignancy, the tumor was removed together with the right kidney. The mass size is 18×10×6cm.
本文研究了对DNA修复有抑制作用的CM是否也对受照细胞的肿后修复有相应的抑制效应,并且观察了不同浓度CM对相对生长密度期V79细胞受不同剂量X线照射后PLDR的作用。 实验结果
鼻咽癌放射脑损伤是一种严重的后遗症,由于近几年来CT扫描技术广泛应用于临床,因而这种后遗症的发现渐有增加。现将本院1988年发现两例报道如下: 例1、男、49岁,住院号:1440
患者男性,54岁。住院号144734。无明显诱因刺激性干咳,伴胸闷不适20天。以“左下肺炎”于1984年11月13日入院。既往无结核病史及其他传染病接触史。 The patient male is 5