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〔案情简介〕原告:李某被告:江苏省某市某区邮政局自1984年7月开始,原告到被告处从事邮政投递工作。1986年1月2日,原告与被告签订委托代办投递合同,有效期为两年。合同约定:被告负责对原告进行短期培训,使其胜任委托工作,发给标志服及劳动用品;被告按照有关规定每月支付原告酬? [Summary] Plaintiff: Lee defendant: a city of Jiangsu Province, a District Post Office since July 1984, the plaintiff to the defendant at postal delivery. January 2, 1986, the plaintiff and the defendant signed an entrusted agent delivery contract, valid for two years. Contract: the defendant is responsible for short-term training of the plaintiff to enable him to entrust the work, sent to the logo clothes and labor supplies; the defendant in accordance with the relevant provisions of the monthly payment of the original remuneration?
Numerical simulations of pilot fuel spray and compressing ignition for pre-mixed natural gas ignited by pilot diesel are described. By means of these modeling,
第六届中国东盟博览会隆重开幕中国南方电网公司副总经理王久玲应邀出席金秋十月,清风送爽,美丽的绿城又迎盛会。10月20日, The 6th China ASEAN Expo grand opening Wang G
福禄克公司于1948年成立,作为丹纳赫集团的全资子公司,福禄克是一个跨国公司,总部设在美国华盛顿州的埃弗里德市,工厂分别设在美国、英 Founded in 1948, Fluke Corporation
Based on Bayesian network, a new method to diagnose satellite faults is presented. The Bayesian network model of physical processing of satellite is developed;
Direct numerical simulation of spatially evolving compressible boundary layer over a blunt wedge is performed in this paper. The free-stream Mach number is 6 an