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创新文化建设的基本做法及成效上海天文台是从1995年开始有意识地开展院所文化建设的,当时叫天文台文化建设,即倡导以邻为友,加强互相协调,治理脏乱差,建立整洁、有序、安全的工作环境,开展以台为本的爱台教育和“我在天文台的位置,我应为天文台作出什么贡献”大型活动等。以后随着改革发展和结构性调整力度的逐渐加大,特别是1999年上海天文台作为首批进入中科院知识创新工程试点工作、申报上海市科技系统文明单位以后,台党政领导越来越认识到文化建设对单位改革发展的重要促进作用。它不仅是精神文明建设的一个内容、一个载体,而且对形成团结进取的工作局面,增强单位凝聚力,调动职工积极性也发挥着重要的作用,通过不断的摸索和实践,逐步形成了适合天文台特点、易被广大职工接受和喜欢的文化建设的目标和原则。 The basic practices and achievements of building a culture of innovation Shanghai Observatory is consciously carrying out the cultural construction of institutes and institutes since 1995. At that time, it called the cultural construction of the Observatory, advocating that neighbors should be friends, strengthening mutual coordination, Orderly and safe working environment, carrying out Taiwan-based education on Taiwan compatriots and “what should I contribute to the Hong Kong Observatory at the location of the Observatory” and other large-scale activities. With the gradual increase of reform and development and structural readjustment, especially as Shanghai’s first astronomical observatory entered the pilot project of knowledge innovation project of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999 and after it declared the scientific and technological system and civilized unit in Shanghai, Taiwan’s party and government leaders realized more and more Important role of cultural construction in unit reform and development. It is not only a content and carrier of the construction of spiritual civilization but also plays an important role in forming a united working environment, unit cohesion and arousing the enthusiasm of staff. Through continuous exploration and practice, it has gradually formed the characteristics suitable for the observatory, Easily be accepted by the majority of workers and like the cultural goals and principles.
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