
来源 :减速顶与调速技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glx19891006
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减速顶调速技术作为一门新型的铁路编组场(站)的调速工具,五十年代由英国研制并用于铁路车辆调速的,在我国是七十年代开始研制并逐步推广应用,至今已经历了近17个年头。减速顶的研制走过了一条从无到有,从单一化的减速顶产品发展成为一项门类比较齐全的调速设备,它不仅有内、外侧减速顶系列产品,还有可控减速顶、加速顶、加减速顶,停车顶等等,已在国内、外100多个铁路编组场和大型厂矿企业的翻矿线运营使用,共安装各类型减速顶近25万余台。由于减速顶调速技术的广泛采用,为铁路编组场和大型厂矿企业翻矿线的调车作业甩掉铁鞋及不用拧手闸,解除了广大调车作业人员繁重而紧张的体力劳动,也为实现调车作业自动化,提高调车作业效率,以及调车作业和作业人员的人身安全提供了有效而又可靠的保证,实践证明减速顶作为车辆调速工具是具有强大生命力的。 减速顶技术是既不需要外部能源及附属配套设备,又能实现自动连续调速较为理想的调 As a new type of speed-adjusting tool for the railway grouping station (station), the decelerating speed control technology was developed in the 1950s by the United Kingdom and used for the speed regulation of railway vehicles. In our country, it was started in 1970s and gradually popularized and applied so far. Has experienced nearly 17 years. Development of the deceleration top has gone from scratch, from a single product of the deceleration top developed into a more complete range of speed control equipment, it not only has the inner and outer deceleration top products, as well as controlled deceleration top, Acceleration top, acceleration and deceleration top, parking roof and so on, has been at home and abroad more than 100 railway marshalling yard and large factories and mines operation of the mine operation, a total of nearly 250,000 sets of various types of slowdown in the installation of Taiwan. Due to the extensive adoption of decelerating speed control technology, iron shovels and unscrewed gates are required for the marshalling operations of the railway marshalling yard and large-scale factories and mines and enterprises and relieve the heavy and tense manual labor of the marshalling workers. In order to achieve shunting automation, improve shunting efficiency, as well as shunting operations and personal safety of workers provides an effective and reliable assurance, the practice has proved that deceleration as a top of the vehicle speed control device is a strong vitality. Retarder technology is neither the need for external energy and ancillary equipment, but also to achieve automatic continuous speed is more ideal tune
工 作研 究机车乘务员睡眠障碍原因初探……………………………………南岔医院安云祥(1—3)自动闭塞电线路高压跌落式熔断器熔管烧损事故探析………南岔水电段李长林(1—5)关
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中国科学家们多年来对妨碍铁路在沙漠地区运营的、涉及面广泛的问题进行了研究。即使不是积沙埋轨,线路结构也往往因沙粒侵袭而遭受严重破坏,这种侵袭可能是由于戈壁滩 Chi