Sm/TiCl_4 (cat.) system-mediated intermolecular and intramolecular reductive coupling reactions of k

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science A:An International Ap | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lulu1984129
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Sm/TiCl4 system could well integrate the high reactivity of samarium(II) and high deoxygenation capacity of low valent titanium within one system. In this paper, the intermolecular and intramolecular reductive coupling reactions of ketones with esters mediated by metallic samarium (Sm) and a catalytic amount of titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) were successfully de- veloped. A series of substituted ketones and cyclic β-keto-esters were prepared in moderate to good yields under reflux and neutral conditions. Sm / TiCl4 system could well integrate the high reactivity of samarium (II) and high deoxygenation capacity of low valent titanium within one system. In this paper, the intermolecular and intramolecular reductive coupling reactions of ketones with esters mediated by metallic samarium (Sm) and A series of substituted ketones and cyclic β-keto-esters were prepared in moderate to good yields under reflux and neutral conditions.
介绍美国农业广泛采用的推荐施肥(或称测土施肥)技术的具体方法和推荐施肥用的掺混肥料。我国应结合具体条件改进化肥生产,提高科学施肥的水平。 This article introduces the
残奥会不仅仅是体育运动项目的比赛,其丰富的内涵和深远的意义已经超越了残奥会本身,使我们的思想又打开了一扇窗——  两个奥运,同样精彩。如果说8月的北京奥运会留给了我们宝贵的精神财富,那么,9月的北京残奥会就留给了我们许多的珍贵启示。  其一,一切障碍都是可以消除的。在现实生活中,下肢残疾人的出行存在着许多不便,北京为了召开残奥会,对残奥村、比赛场馆、交通设施等进行了改造,实现了无障碍化,方便了残疾
The conservation of weathered historic sandstone with apatite was studied.Based on the growth mechanism of bone,calcium and phosphorus were introduced into weat
摘要:兴趣是最好的老师”,是学生探求知识的原动力,也是发明创造的精神源泉。初三学生正处于兴趣广泛、求知欲旺盛的时期。教师如果从化学课的起始年级就注意激发和培养学生对化学学习的兴趣,并因势利导,使学生把兴趣转化成乐趣,进而转化成志趣,那么,就能保持学生对化学学习经久不衰的求知欲。以下是我几年来在这方面的几点做法。  关键词:鉴别方法;观察;思考;兴趣    一、重视化学实验教学,激发学生学习化学的兴
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