
来源 :法制与社会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bostangul
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随着公众权力意识的普遍提升,司法作为解决纠纷的主要手段受到了公众的广泛关注,其在社会中发挥着愈加重要的作用。新形势下,构建和谐社会成为大势所趋,现代司法作为推动依法治国方略、构建和谐社会的有力武器也承载着树立法律权威,维护社会公平正义的光荣使命。要充分发挥司法的卓越作用,就必须塑造良好的司法公信力。但实践中,受传统思想的桎梏、司法体制的束缚以及社会经济发展水平的制约等因素影响,我国司法公信力现状仍需进一步提升。本文从我国司法公信力的内涵入手,立足于我国司法公信力现状,对其受损原因进行分析,并就新形势下如何塑造良好的司法公信力提出看法,以期为树立良好的司法权威提供借鉴。 With the general promotion of public awareness of power, the judiciary, as the primary means of settling disputes, has received wide public attention and plays an increasingly important role in society. Under the new situation, building a harmonious society has become the trend of the times. As a powerful weapon for promoting the strategy of governing the country according to law and building a harmonious society, modern judiciary also carries the glorious mission of establishing legal authority and safeguarding social fairness and justice. To give full play to the outstanding role of the judiciary, we must create a good judicial credibility. However, in practice, influenced by the shackles of traditional thinking, the shackles of the judicial system and the restriction of the level of social and economic development, the status quo of China’s judicial credibility still needs to be further improved. This article starts with the connotation of judicial credibility in our country, bases on the status quo of our country ’s judicial credibility and analyzes the causes of its damage, and puts forward some suggestions on how to establish a good judicial credibility in the new situation so as to provide reference for establishing a good judicial authority.
1案例资料1.1简要案情刘某某,男,10月龄婴儿。2012年4月28日“因感冒、发烧、咳嗽,在家曾静脉滴注药物(磷霉素钠半支+0.9%G.S 60~70mL)3天,不见明显好转,伴喘息、口唇发绀”
司法实践中,刑民交叉案件中的精神损害赔偿问题一直是一个疑难问题。应根据侵权责任法的规定,将精神损害赔偿纳入刑民交叉案件的赔偿范围之内。 In judicial practice, the