The value of bamboo in architectural design

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  【摘 要】culture is the eternal theme in the design, how to use local culture is in contemporary design we must explore the topic. Growth of China's modern design is dependent on the Chinese native culture, especially since entering the information age, the contemporary design is different from the previous simple pay attention to functional, more should focus on skills, but also a symbol of natural, mean life, pay attention to the characteristics of regional culture,to explore personality,advocating the spirit of human needs, the sustainable development of the design.
  【关键词】bamboo; building;green design;sustainable development
  In the long historical development the industry intelligent Chinese people use bamboo bamboo produced a large number of buildings, such as dry column type bamboo building, bamboo, bamboo pavilions hall, bamboo, bamboo pavilion, bamboo scaffolding, bamboo bridge, such as bamboo bamboo building to promote the social development and civilization progress.
  First of all is the bamboo in the aesthetic value of architectural design. Bamboo contains many levels of culture and aesthetic value, it throughout China's epic poem, painting, gardening history and cultural history of psychology, formed a unique traditional Chinese bamboo culture. Closely related to the bamboo culture and Chinese culture had a profound influence. Since ancient times bamboo has the use value and economic value of ethical value and aesthetic value.
  On the one hand is the characterized by using the bamboo personification of symbolic significance. Nourishes the style in the dribs and drabs of bamboo building design, its already contains the idea of "harmony with nature, harmony between man and nature", appeared a kind of elegant is a life of ease, only the user's elegant restraint, deep zen aesthetic appeal and aesthetic ideas, constantly reminds people adhere to the ideal, moral character and sentiment, is rich in symbolism, "not a day without this person", "bamboo makes one common", "poetic" age of language to reflect the personality.
  On the other hand is itself performance of natural bamboo refined taste, desolate, quietly elegant, bamboo has natural beauty, modelling is Jane jin shu lang, material, color, light simple but elegant, pure and fresh nature transparent coating fully embodies the simple sense of material itself, give a person with open-minded and easy feeling. A typical example is designed by Japanese architect to kumake located in bamboo house at the foot of the Great Wall, he put the bamboo density and the diameter of the characteristics of configuration as the technical measures to break up a space and the second layer of different interface skin appeared in his writings, this design be judged as "a visual method of western architectural conquer". "Bamboo house" will not only make us feel and natural together, also reflected the harmonious coexistence of man and nature and the sustainable development view, make in the city to create a special bamboo, embodies the harmonious development of man and nature.   The second is the bamboo in the architectural design of the ecological value. In terms of ecological bamboo is a kind of renewable resource, cover an area of an area small, the land demand is not high, growth cycle is short, castle peak in, it's only 3 to 5 years to become useful period, as long as reasonable cutting not only won't destroy the ecological environment, all kinds of bamboo is a good material, green environment have strong adjustment ability of environment, in some cases is an irreplaceable special role. Bamboo can purify air, bamboo branches with dense, leaf area index than the average species, updated annually, a kind of bamboo, if properly managed, after decades of sustained growth, and evergreen the four seasons scenery."With bamboo and wood" is to protect the forest, there is no doubt that the best way, the shortage of wood will make our country some of the plight of the construction must not make bricks without straw, so in terms of buildings can reduce deforestation, bamboo and wood.
  We should pay more attention to bamboo research and practice, from the Angle of green environmental protection and absorbing foreign advanced experience and the energy saving design study, combined with local actual situation, design a good bamboo building, create a home for new concept of living environment and architecture. Promote the coordinated development of economy, society, environment, resources, to meet the challenges of the increasingly fierce international competition, eventually to promote the healthy development of construction industry, believe that low cost, pollution-free ecological construction is bound to in the construction of our country reflects the infinite.
【摘 要】社会是一所大学,是也一座充满风险的宝藏。大学生走出校园参与到社会实践活动中去,可以亲身感受社会,奉献社会,培养能力,磨砺意志,提升品格。学校作为学生寻宝冒险的向导,在社会实践活动中能避免和减轻学生初初接触社会所受到的误导和伤害。社会实践活动对于大学生素质培养具有不可取代的重要作用。它是学生学以致用的试炼场,是沟通校园生活与社会生活的桥梁,对学生世界观,价值观,人生观的塑造具有推动作用。 
【摘 要】具有良好人格是大学生成长成才的重要基础,也是实现全面发展的重要前提。建设大学生人格培育档案,有助于帮助大学生树立档案和责任意识,督促学生加强自我激励、自我管理、自我反思能力,提高自身素质,促进自我发展、成才、成功。使学校学生管理工作规范化、制度化、人性化,提高了管理水平和教育教学质量,促使更好地发挥其参考、凭证、依据等功能。在日常工作中实施教育和引导,提供条件和保障,促使其养成健全人格,
【摘 要】班杜拉的社会学习理论是一种发展迅速、颇具影响、广为流传的学习理论,在教学和学习过程中得到广泛应用。但是作为一种经典的学习理论,在学习的过程中要辩证看待其优势与局限。  【关键词】班杜拉;社会学习理论;辩证批判  一、社会学习理论的优势  班杜拉的社会学习理论至今仍然得到广泛应用,是由于其理论本身具有的优势:  (一)社会学习理论强调人的行为是内部因素和外部影响相互作用的复杂产物,标志着学
【摘 要】艺术设计教育就是指将艺术与设计进行合理结合的一门学科,它是社会文明重要标志。设计源于创新,它是设计的灵魂,而思维是创新的基础,三者之间具有密切的关系。所以本文针对实际中高校的教学模式、艺术设计的实践教学以及艺术设计教师的素质等方面对创新思维进行了分析和研究。  【关键词】艺术设计;高校;教育;创新思维  为了适应我国市场经济的发展,艺术设计教育应运而生。由于艺术设计在我国产生的较晚,为了
【摘 要】交互式电子白板这些年以越来越高的频率出现在我们的生活学习中,本文通过介绍交互式白板的概念和特点,结合交互式白板的重要性,提出了如何更加高效的对于交互式电子白板的使用,以期为以后对于电子白板的研究者提供一定的研究价值。  【关键词】电子白板;内涵;优势  一、前言  交互式电子白板的出现,作为多媒体的补充和升华,使得教师能够克服因为计算机知识能力有限而不能很好的进行知识的教授,能够更好的关
【摘 要】学习型学校是在新型管理体制下,向学校下放管理权,重视教师和学生发挥主观能动性的学习,促进学校及师生整体的发展的新型学校。这种新型学校应在不同层面创建一种新的学校组织文化。  【关键词】学习型;组织文化;构建  一、学习型学校组织文化  学习型学校是在新型管理体制下,向学校下放管理权,重视教师和学生发挥主观能动性的学习,促进学校及师生整体的发展的新型学校。学校必须更新才能富有活力,才能更好
【摘 要】在我国的英语教学中,听说读写四种技能的培养提高中说的能力明显为薄弱环节。英语口语能力即英语交际能力,缺乏语言环境和学习环境是学习者面对的主要问题。如今使用教育类app的现象越来越得到学习者的关注,口语类app的种类相较于其他类别的较少,英语流利说是其中较为使用广泛的代表,因此笔者浅谈英语流利说在口语学习中的使用。  Abstract:In our country English teac
【摘 要】英语在当今社会的重要性不言而喻,现在许多城市中,孩子从幼儿园就开始学习英语。但是我们的学习者在英语学习的道路上总多遇波折,经过十几年的学习之后还是不能流畅地使用英语。阻碍学习者成功的学习英语的原因很多,其中最基础的要数词汇。因为英语四大技能“听、说、读、写”都是建立在词汇的基础之上。因此怎样帮助孩子成功的学习词汇对成功的学的语言显得尤为重要。  【关键词】词汇学习;词表呈现;语境呈现  
【摘 要】对大学生业余时间利用情况进行调查和研究,了解大学生对业余时间的安排,找出大学生业对余时间的利用所存在的问题,分析其问题,提出建设性建议,推动大学生素质的全面提升。  【关键词】大学生;业余时间;分析;对策  如何引导学生走下网络、走出宿舍、走向操场、教室和图书馆成为辅导员新的研究课题。  根据对高密校区化工系学生的调查和走访,结果分析如下:  (一)不同年级的学生,对于业余时间的安排不同
【摘 要】近年来,模因理论已被广泛应用于语言学领域.将模因理论应用于教学中的研究也越来越多,尤其在大学英语教学中尤为突出.但是关于模因理论在初高中阶段的应用与研究较少。本文试探讨模因理论在初中英语口语教学的运用,以便学习者能够真正习得英语这门语言。  【关键词】模因理论;口语教学;记忆;模仿  一、模因理论  1976年,著名动物学家和行为生态学家道金斯在其著作《自私的基因》一书中首次提“meme