我厂的班组建设工作正式起步较迟——从1989年10月企管科接管该项工作以来,大约经历了半年时间。回顾这段时间的工作,我们深深地感到,要搞好班组建设工作,必须把“党政工团,齐抓共管”这八个字真正落到实处,而行政、立会要真正履行自己在班组建设中的职能,重要的工作之一便是对照企业升级标准,建立一个密切配合的、集中检查与日常考核相结合的立体工作体系,持之以衡,常抓不懈,才能取得较好的效果。 在我厂争取企业上等级的过程中,从“升级必须从管理抓起,管理要从基础抓起,而基础又必须从班组抓起”的指导思想出发,我们根据企业升级对班组建设提出的要求,结合我厂具体情况,认识
The construction of the squad and crew in our factory has officially started lately - about half a year has passed since the Enterprise Management Section took over the work in October 1989. Recalling the work during this period of time, we deeply feel that it is imperative to implement the eight words “the party, the government, the workers’ league and the joint management” in a down-to-earth manner, and the executive and legislature should truly fulfill their duties. One of the most important tasks in the function of team building is to set up a three-dimensional working system that closely matches the standard of enterprise upgrading and focuses on the examination and routine assessment so as to achieve a better performance effect. In our plant for the enterprise level, from the “upgrade must start from the management, management should start from the foundation, and the foundation must start with the team” starting point, we upgrade the team based on the proposed business Requirements, with my factory specific circumstances, understanding