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近几年来,机械工业部系统采用微电子技术、数显技术和静压技术改造老设备取得了一定成效。主要情况如下: 一、用新技术改造老设备,逐步进行机电仪一体化,是机械工业实现“三上一提高”的迫切任务 首先, 用新技术改造老设备,是贯彻执行我国经济建设战略方针,走内涵为主扩大再生产路子的重要内容。机械工业现有企业的技术改造,要从企业产品更新换代,发展品种,提高质量,降低消耗,提高经济效益的需要出发,一方面积极地引进国内外先进技术和管理经验,消化、吸收、开发、创新;另一方面要更新改造现有的设备,改革工艺,提高机械装备的现代化水平。但是,由于受资金等物质条 In recent years, the Ministry of Machinery Industry has achieved certain results by adopting microelectronic technology, digital display technology and static pressure technology to transform old equipment. The main conditions are as follows: 1. The transformation of old equipment with new technologies and the gradual integration of electromechanical devices is an urgent task for the machinery industry to achieve “three improvements.” First, the transformation of old equipment with new technologies is the implementation of China’s strategy for economic development. , take the connotation of the main content of the expansion of reproduction. The technological transformation of existing enterprises in the machinery industry must proceed from the needs of updating, upgrading products, developing varieties, improving quality, reducing consumption, and increasing economic efficiency. On the one hand, it actively introduces advanced technologies and management experience at home and abroad to digest, absorb, and develop. , Innovation; On the other hand, we must renovate existing equipment, reform processes, and improve the modernization of machinery and equipment. However, due to funds and other substances
潘加斯公司1985年在瑞士第九届肉类加工业展览会上,展示了工业气体用于食品工业的设备。展出项目分为冷冻和保护气氛包装两个部分。 Pangas exhibited industrial gas equip
我厂工具生产的特点:一是产品产量很大,硬质合金模具多。二是模具零件要求互换,零件精度高(μ级)。工具车间承担着新模具的制造,备件的生产,成套量具、夹 The characterist
“电子模具加工开发中心”是中德政府1985年双边合作协议中由联邦德国给我国无偿援助的项目,由四川省电子工业厅、成都电子仪表局和成都无线电一厂承办。 联邦德国派沃布肯