Exploring the Relationship between Learning Styles and Proficiency in Verbal Communication

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  Abstract:In the light of need to use learning styles to enhance verbal proficiency, this paper will explore the interconnectedness of learning styles and proficiency in verbal communication. It will first introduce the background of the study. This will be followed by an overview of the research on related literature and studies in the field. Lastly the paper concludes that foreign language teachers should give attention to the styles for languages learning and verbal proficiency since they are closely correlated.
  Key Words: Learning Styles Proficiency Verbal Communication English Language Teaching
  Ⅰ. Introduction
  Since the advent of the new millennium, quality education has been made the goal of the Chinese educational system. As a result of this, constant adaptation and development of technology have been going on. One of the most important breakthroughs in the academic that is now in focus is the identification of learning styles as they are related to the most essential dimension of every learning process. Every individual is unique; therefore, it is possible that his or her style may be different.
  Today is an age of communication which is a persuasive constant and human activity. Practically in all areas of life the need to convey one’s ideas and feelings to others is of paramount importance. Communication in general or verbal proficiency is practical; not only does it bring human beings into a relationship with others but also brings them into relationship with the external world.
  Verbal proficiency may be gauged not so much in the quantity of oral output but more on the quality. Some studies show that the quality of oral expression may be achieved through the assessment of the cited competencies and also through talk. To elucidate the idea about using "talk" in verbal proficiency, there was an experiment conducted which involved a role playing session with culturally disadvantaged children. One group assumed the role of talkers and the other assumed the role of pupils perceived to be the listeners. It was observed that the children who acted as teachers displayed a distinct change in the level of language spoken. They used language made longer with more complex sentences.
  It is in the light of the need to use learning styles to enhance verbal proficiency that this study was undertaken.
  Ⅱ.Research on Related Literature
  Schmeck (1998) in his book enumerated three types of learning styles; deep, elaborative and surface. According to him, an individual with predominantly deep learning style is likely to adopt a conceptualizing strategy. His learning tactics include comparing and contrasting categories and abstracting. Meanwhile, an individual demonstrating a learning style that is predominantly elaborative performs a personalizing strategy. His learning tactics include relating current information to prior personal experience. In contrast, person with predominantly shallow learning style tend to adopt memorizing learning strategy. His learning tactics include repetitive rehearsing of information using mnemonics.
  Schmeck (1998) viewed learning styles as the expression of personality within the situational context such as school setting and reflection of the students’ preferred learning strategy. However, he implies that learning style is more than a learning strategy because is also includes elements of motivation, attitude and cognitive style. Schmeck’s view of learning style gives emphasis to individual differences.
  According to Travers (1993) attitude is a relatively permanent way of feeling, thinking and behaving towards something or somebody. These feelings, thoughts and actions reflect one’s perception of a situation or person. Travers (1993) further said that student attitudes decisively affect their learning and that one’s attitudes towards school arise from different sources.
  Meyers (1995) defined attitudes as beliefs and feelings that predispose our reactions to objects, people and events. If a person believes that an object is unfavorable, one may feel dislike for the object and act unfavorably towards it.
  Macaro (1997) pointed out that language teaching practitioners believe that the goal of communicative competence may be facilitated through emphasis on the following: (1) speaking and listening rather than reading and writing; (2) Communicating new information rather than "already known" information; (3) active involvement rather than passive learning; (4) meaningful bits of language rather than well formed sentences, individual words or bits of words.
  Ⅲ.Research on Related Studies
  Dun (2001) in his study revealed that in the analysis of quantitative data the standard of English competence among students was low. Students in urban schools performed better in English than students in the rural schools. Generally, the students received a low amount of exposure to written English, radio and television and unscripted spoken English. Their attitudes towards English and its speakers were generally favorable. Their motivational orientations, desire to learn and motivational intensity were strong. Their integrative motivation seemed slightly stronger than their instrumental motivation.
  The correlation analysis revealed that the relationship between competence and exposure to written English, radio and television English, and spoken English were positive and significant, but the relationship between competence and attitude towards the speakers were significant.
  A study conducted by Warg (1992) sought to investigate the beliefs of learners in English language learning. It examined the differences between the successful and unsuccessful learners regarding their beliefs about language learning. Twenty respondents of Qufu Teachers University of China were selected for the study.
  The study revealed that the subjects as a group help positive as well as negative belief about learning a foreign language. It was also found out that more successful learners seemed to hold positive beliefs about the learning English whereas more unsuccessful learners seemed to hold misconceptions or negative beliefs.
  The research above centered on the relationship between Styles for learning language and Verbal Proficiency. In order to make teaching more effective, the English language teachers need to focus on the styles for learning language and proficiency in verbal communication as it has been proven that they are closely correlated. Moreover, the teachers need to give attention to students’ attitude and motivation as well since they are the main factors in terms of achieving proficiency in verbal communication. Ferrer (1990) stated that students are best served if the methods by which they are taught are well matched with their learning styles; teachers are willing to try something instead of doing the same things that did not work in the past.
  [1]Schmeck, R. R. Learning Strategies
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[摘要]随着高等职业教育的蓬勃发展,高职英语教学存在老师教得苦、学生学习效果差等问题正严重困扰高职院的师生们,为了让英语教学跟上发展的步伐且很好担负起培养高职学生外语应用这一职业核心能力的任务,本文提出一系列的教改对策。  [关键词]高职英语 问题 教改对策    我国的高等职业教育通过近十几年来的蓬勃发展,取得了巨大成就。一批新型高等院校为社会培养出了一大批实用的高技能人才,得到市场与社会的广泛
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