Bifidobacterium lactis attenuates onset of inflammation in a murine model of colitis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolaoshi
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AIM: To assess the anti-inflammatory effect of the probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis (B. lactis) in an adoptive transfer model of colitis. METHODS: Donor and recipient mice received either B. lactis or bacterial culture medium as control (deMan Rogosa Sharpe) in drinking water for one week prior to transfer of a mix of naive and regulatory T cells until sacrifice. RESULTS: All recipient mice developed signs of colonic inflammation, but a significant reduction of weight loss was observed in B. lactis-fed recipient mice compared to control mice. Moreover, a trend toward a diminution of mucosal thickness and attenuated epithelial damage was revealed. Colonic expression of pro-inflammatory and T cell markers was significantly reduced in B. lactis-fed recipient mice compared to controls. Concomitantly, forkhead box protein 3, a marker of regulatory T cells, was significantly up-regulated by B. lactis. CONCLUSION: Daily oral administration of B. lactis was able to reduce inflammatory and T cells mediators and to promote regulatory T cells specific markers in a mouse model of colitis. AIM: To assess the anti-inflammatory effect of the probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis (B. lactis) in an adoptive transfer model of colitis. METHODS: Donor and recipient mice were either B. lactis or bacterial culture medium as control (deMan Rogosa Sharpe) in drinking water for one week prior to transfer of a mix of naive and regulatory T cells until sacrifice. RESULTS: All recipient mice developed signs of colonic inflammation, but a significant reduction of weight loss was observed in B. lactis-fed recipient mice compared to control mice. Moreover, a trend toward a diminution of mucosal thickness and attenuated epithelial damage was revealed. Colonic expression of pro-inflammatory and T cell markers was significantly reduced in B. lactis-fed recipient mice compared to controls. Concomitantly, forkhead box protein 3, a marker of regulatory T cells, was significantly up-regulated by B. lactis. CONCLUSION: Daily oral administration of B. lactis was able to reduce inflammatory and T ce lls mediators and to promote regulatory T cells specific markers in a mouse model of colitis.
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