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澳门文学批评遵循学科发展的一般模式,经历了印象批评到学院研究的转换过程。作为一项仍在持续的学术任务,澳门文学批评的学院化始于90年代,立足史实与立足当下是学院学术并行不悖的追求。以新生代本澳学者为主体的学院研究兴起,对于推动澳门文学经典建构、提升澳门文学阐释及其历史认知的学术品格至关重要,同时也引领了研究思路向纵深发展的可能。 Maucao literary criticism follows the general pattern of discipline development and has undergone the transformation from impression criticism to college research. As an ongoing academic task, the academicization of the literary criticism in Macao began in the 90s. Based on historical facts and based on the present moment, the academic pursuit of the academy is unanimity. The rise of academy research based on the scholars of the new generation of local scholars is of crucial importance in promoting the construction of the classical Chinese literature and enhancing the academic character of the interpretation of the Chinese literature and its historical cognition. At the same time, it also leads to the possibility of further development of the research ideas.
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This study was conducted in Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa and Delta States of the Niger Delta, Nigeria. It examined the level of adoption of aquaculture technologies by Fa
基于HX_D1型机车不同线路、轮对不圆度测试等试验搜集的大量的基础数据,深入探讨电力机车轮对多边形发展趋势,并提出有效的应对措施。 Based on a large amount of basic da
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