Genetic Diversity and Association Analysis for Salinity Tolerance, Heading Date and Plant Height of

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Intoyou
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The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of barley accessions. Additionally, association trait analysis was conducted for grain yield under salinity, heading date and plant height. For this purpose, 48 barley genotypes were analyzed with 22 microsatellite simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Four of the 22 markers (Bmac316, scssr03907, HVM67 and Bmag770) were able to differentiate all barley genotypes. Cluster and principal coordinate analysis allowed a clear grouping between countries from the same region. The genotypes used in this study have been evaluated for agronomic performance in different environments. Conducting association analysis for grain yield under salinity conditions using TASSEL software revealed a close association of the marker Bmag749 (2H, bin 13) in two different environments with common significant alleles (175, 177), whereas the HVHOTR1 marker (2H, bin 3) was only significant in Sakhar_Egypt with alleles size being 158 and 161. Heading date also showed an association with scssr03907 through the common significant specific allele 111 and EBmac0415 markers in three different agro climatic locations, whereas HVCMA, scssr00103 and HVM67 were linked to heading date in the Egyptian environment only. The plant height association analysis revealed significant markers Bmag770 via the significant allele 152 and scssr09398. The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of barley accessions. Additionally, association trait analysis was conducted for grain yield under salinity, heading date and plant height. For this purpose, 48 barley genotypes were analyzed with 22 microsatellite simple sequence repeat ( SSR) markers. Four of the 22 markers (Bmac316, scssr03907, HVM67 and Bmag770) were able to differentiate all barley genotypes. Cluster and principal coordinate analysis allowed a clear grouping between countries from the same region. The genotypes used in this study have been evaluated for agronomic performance in different environments. Conducting association analysis for grain yield under salinity conditions using TASSEL software revealed a close association of the marker Bmag 749 (2H, bin 13) in two different environments with common significant alleles (175, 177), an HVHOTR1 marker (2H, bin 3) was only significant in Sakhar_Egypt with alleles size being 158 and 161. Headi ng date also showed an association with scssr03907 through the common significant specific allele 111 and EBmac0415 markers in three different agro climatic locations, whereas HVCMA, scssr00103 and HVM67 were linked to heading date in the Egyptian environment only. The plant height association analysis reveals significant markers Bmag 770 via the significant allele 152 and scssr09398.
摘 要: 20世纪80年代以来,史学界关于历史人物评价标准不断涌现出新的理论视角和专业化方向,教师专业成长和专业素质在不断提高的同时,历史观、人生观和道德观也深受影响。教师情感、态度和价值观念是课堂教学的纽带,知识传承伴随着情感获得,如何利用历史人物的评价对学生进行情感态度价值观教育则是师生面临的一大考验。本文针对以上问题,从教师和学生两个角度浅谈历史教学中历史人物评价与学生“情感态度价值观”的培
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