对与颞颌关节有关疾病和关节盘前脱位的解释,翼外肌特别是其上头,一直是许多研究的焦点。虽然认为其属真正的关节肌肉,对其上头附着的认识仍有分歧。本研究目的即为记录翼外肌上头的长度,并对其附着于关节盘、髁状突肌纤维的数量予以量化分析。 材料和方法 尸体40具,男25,女15。只使用一侧关节。其中6例不符要求被剔除。翼外肌上头既附着于关节盘又附着于髁状突的标本26例,其中22例肌肉附着的横断面用来进行形态测定分析。由颞下嵴肌
For the explanation of the diseases related to the temporomandibular joint and the dislocation of the joint, extra-vertebral muscles, especially the upper ones, have been the focus of many researches. Although it is considered a true joint muscle, there is still disagreement about its attachment to the head. The purpose of this study is to record the length of the supraspinal superficial length and to quantify the amount of condylar muscle fibers attached to the disc. Materials and methods Cadaver 40, male 25, female 15. Use only one side of the joint. Six of them were rejected. Twenty-six of the specimens were attached to the outer wing of the wing and attached to the disc and condyle. Twenty-two of the muscle-attached cross-sections were used for morphometric analysis. From the inferior temporal muscle