学习鲁布革工程管理经验 向工程总承包迈进——深圳一湾油库工程总承包的体会

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深圳蛇口一湾油库工程是为中美泰合资的广东浮法玻璃厂供、贮重油的设施。这项工程由一个2.5万吨级的油码头和一座2.2万立方米油库工程组成。该工程业主为深圳蛇口工业区石油运销公司。我公司所属深圳海湾石油化工工程公司、设计研究所、第二工程处分别为总承包单位,设计承包单位和油库安装分包单位。一九八七年二月二十日油库安装工程开工,三月二日油码头开工,五月二十九日竣工,具备卸油、储油、送油条件,全部过程只有半年多的时间,安装施工工期仅用了100天,完成建设投资近1100万元,完成5000立方米油罐4座,工业管道7000多米,安装备类设备122台件,土石方170000立方米,护堤160米。厂房建筑1670平方米,整个工程经过考核验收,全部符合设计和施工规范要求,单位工程质量优良率91%。 The Shenzhen Shekou Yiwan Depot Project is a facility for the supply and storage of heavy oil to the Guangdong Float Glass Plant, a joint venture between China, the United States and Thailand. The project consists of a 25,000-ton oil terminal and a 22,000-cubic-meter oil depot project. The project owner is Shenzhen Shekou Industrial Zone Petroleum Marketing Company. The Shenzhen Bay Petrochemical Engineering Company, the Design Institute, and the Second Engineering Office of our company are respectively the general contracting units, designing the contracting units and the oil depot installation and subcontracting units. On February 20th, 1987, the construction of the oil depot started. The oil terminal started on March 2 and was completed on May 29. It has the conditions for unloading, storing, and delivering oil. The whole process lasted only half a year. The installation and construction period lasted only 100 days. The construction investment of nearly 11 million yuan was completed, four 5000 cubic meters of oil tanks were completed, more than 7,000 meters of industrial pipelines, 122 pieces of spare equipment, 170,000 cubic meters of earth and stone, and 160 meters of berm. 1670 square meters of factory buildings, the entire project after the examination and acceptance, all in line with the design and construction requirements, the unit project quality and excellent rate of 91%.
(年底数)单位:万人 I 全民所有制I 城镇集体所【农村集体所有B_。。。IAs 年 份1 总 计D 建筑施工企D 有制建筑施【制建筑施工企D 1 业 职 工D 工企业职工0 业从业人员0—]毛
显微镜是宁波光学仪器厂的主要产品.年产量万台,品种达十一种之多,近年来,每年都有几个新品种上马,机加工特点是: 1、批量小、品种多,全厂有二个金工车间,机床设备按工艺原
(一) 随着经济体制改革的不断深化和生产建设的发展,建筑企业在流动资金运用上出现一些新矛盾,追溯其根源有以下三个方面: 1.国拨流动资金先天不足 建筑企业国拨流动资金一
四川省的矿产资源丰富,矿种比较齐全.建国以来,已探明储量的矿种81种,其中名列全国储量前三名的有:天然气、铁、钒、钛、钴、锶、钙芒硝、熔炼水晶、光学 Sichuan Province