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“金卡工程”是在江泽民总书记的亲自倡导下,在党中央、国务院领导同志直接关心下的国家重大信息系统工程项目,是国家经济信息化建设的重要组成部分。江泽民总书记在金卡工程刚刚提出时就强调指出“立足点要放在依靠我们自己工业技术力量上,坚持自力更生,争取外援和国际合作为辅。”的方针,在这种背景下华旭金卡集团于1994年10月宣告成立。按照中央有关“金卡”工程的建设必须坚持五个统一(统一规划、统一标准、统一制造、统一发行、统一管理),以及要发挥各企业的优势、扬长避短,以技术为实力、以资金为纽带,组织科研、生产联合体,实现工业化大生产,促进大集团的形成的指示精神,华旭金卡(集团)公司在电子部直接领导下,由电子部十五所牵头组织,它是全国性的金卡产业集团。第一批成员单位有 “Gold Card Project” is a major national information system project under the direct leadership of General Secretary Jiang Zemin, led by comrades in the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and is an important part of the national economic informatization construction. When General Secretary Jiang Zemin just put forward the Gold Card project, he emphasized that “the standpoint is to rely on our own industrial and technological strength, adhere to self-reliance, and strive for foreign aid and international cooperation as the supplement.” Xu Jinka Group was established in October 1994. In accordance with the relevant “Gold Cards” project of the Central Government, we must adhere to the five unifications (unified planning, unified standards, unified manufacturing, unified distribution, and unified management), and we must give full play to the advantages of each enterprise, avoid weaknesses, and avoid weaknesses, and use technology as strength to Funds are the link, the organization of scientific research and production consortium, the realization of the industrialization of large-scale production, the promotion of the formation of the spirit of the formation of large groups, Huaxu Gold Card (Group) Corporation under the direct leadership of the Department of Electronics, led by the Electronic Department of fifteen, it It is a national gold card industry group. The first member units have
据欧盟统计办公室称,1995年欧盟热轧钢材产量增长3.6%,达到1.227亿 t。这一数字不包括欧盟新成员奥地利、芬兰和瑞典。除了卢森堡(下降9%)、法国和丹麦(均下降1.1%)以外,其