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尝试在比赛中使用这一既简单又有效的武器。回看过去的网球比赛,球速很慢,切削球和下旋球是随球上网的首选技术。而现如今,随着球拍科技的发展,球速越来越快,很多选手选择在随球上网时使用强力上旋球,这样缩短了他们靠近球网的时间。因此你不能在大力随球上网击球中浪费丝毫向前的身体势能和衔接时间。这里的文字和配图,可以让你学会我称之为“前移式随球上网”技术,它会让你比以往任何时候都更快的来到网前。1当你看到来球是一记浅球,立即将自己调整到攻击模式中。大步向前进入场内,同时转动双肩,但是在前冲的过程中,下半身应该仍然朝向球网。在转动上 Try to use this simple and effective weapon in competitions. Back to watch the tennis tournament in the past, the ball speed is very slow, cutting ball and spin down the ball is the preferred technology with the ball online. Nowadays, with the development of racquet technology, the speed of the ball is getting faster and faster. Many players choose to use the powerful spin-on ball when surfing the net, thus shortening their time near the net. So you can not waste the slightest body momentum and convergence time on the net with the ball. The texts and layouts here will let you learn what I call the “go-ahead with the ball online” technology, which will get you to the web faster than ever before. 1 When you see the ball is a shallow ball, immediately adjust yourself to attack mode. Stride forward into the arena while turning his shoulders, but in the forward stroke, the lower half should still face the net. On the turn
目的:研究灯盏花Erigeron breviscapus的化学成分。方法:利用各种色谱方法进行成分分离纯化,根据理化性质和波谱分析鉴定化合物结构。结果:分离得到12个化合物,分别鉴定为槲
AIM: To clarify the innervation of the antro-pyloric region in humans from a clinico-anatomical perspective. METHODS: The stomach, duodenum and surrounding stru
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《上海少年儿童报刊简史》(简平著)近日由少年儿童出版社出版。本书完整勾勒了上海少年儿童报刊130多年的发展历程,是中国新闻出版业研究方面的填补空白之作。 A Brief Hist