Enhanced ionization of multi-well quantum systems in intense laser fields

来源 :Science in China,Ser.A | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z492141756
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The ionization dynamics of multi well quantum systems in intense laser fields (~10 14 W/cm 2) has been numerically investigated through solving the time dependent Schrdinger equation. The enhanced ionization effect at a critical inter well distance is found as a general feature of multi well quantum systems subjected to intense laser fields. It is well rationalized in terms of the field induced over the barriers ionization mechanism. With the number of wells increasing the whole ionization peak slightly shifts to small inter well distance, but the enhanced ionization tendency still keeps. The ionization potential of multi well systems is not the sole important factor of intense field ionization of system. The ionization dynamics of multi well quantum systems in intense laser fields (~ 10 14 W / cm 2) has been numerically investigated by solving the time dependent Schrödinger equation. The enhanced ionization effect at a critical inter-well distance found as a general feature of multi well quantum systems subjected to intense laser fields. It the well of rationalized in terms of the field induced over the barriers ionization mechanism. With the number of wells increasing the whole ionization peak slightly shifts to small inter-well distance, but the enhanced ionization tendency still keeps. The ionization potential of multi well systems is not the sole important factor of intense field ionization of system.
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将数理统计的主成份分析法及专家评估结合起来,进行调制解调器的定量评价与选择. The mathematical statistics of the principal component analysis and expert assessment