How does cross—border e—business effects the exportation

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  1 Development of cross-border electrical business
  Cross-border electrical business, refers that the trading main bodies, which belong to different countries, make deal through the Internet and import and export production, and then delivery goods through the international logistics, and finally complete the transaction. In fact it is a kind of international business activities.
  Cross-border electrical commerce makes the enterprise sale directly to individual wholesalers, retailers, and even consumers. It breaks the channels in the traditional mode of foreign trade. It effectively reduces the intermediate links of trade, commodities circulation cost, and increases the profit of enterprise.
  Currently, cross-border e-commerce has gradually become the new trend of foreign trade. It`s status and role in international trade are growing and highlighting. the Chinese cross-border e-commerce trade scale was up 31.3% in 2013. the transaction scale was about 4.2 trillion RMB, up 33.3% from a year earlier. In 2016 China’s cross-border electricity imports and exports will increase to 6.5 trillion RMB.
  2 The mode of our country’s cross-border electrical commerce
  (1)Cross-border electrical contractor can be divided into cross-border B2B and cross-border retail (B2C, C2C) in accordance with the operation mode. Looking from the business mode, our country`s cross-border electrical commerce is priority to B2B business mode. But B2C mode develops rapidly. China’s cross-border B2B trade accounted for 92.4% in 2014, and occupied absolute advantage.
  cross-border B2B involves different country`s merchants by means of internet. Exhibition, negotiation and sale link electronically usually depend on large-scale modern logistics way in the traditional import and export trade. The companies complete the overseas businesses transaction by a typical platform such as alibaba, made-in-China, Dunhuang, and global resource network, etc. cross-border B2C means that the companies(B) sell goods directly to different country`s customs(C) through e-commerce. And the companies use the way of express or parcel post to deliver goods.
  (2)In terms of the structure of import and export, export by cross-border electrical commerce is expected to continue rapidly to develop momentum. Along with the rise of overseas warehouse model, export electrical business is accelerating on category and regional expansion.
  3 The impact on the traditional export trade   The rapid development of cross-border electrical commerce will be impacting on China’s overall economy, as well as import and export trade have far-reaching significance. On the one hand, compared with the traditional foreign trade, cross-border electrical commerce can effectively compress the intermediate links, resolve excess capacity,reshape the international industrial chain, and promote the change of the pattern of foreign trade. On the other hand, e-commerce sites collection massive commodity information, gathers consumer demand of commodity, and provide the chance of developing medium or small sized companies. In addition, cross-border electrical commerce is facing the global potential market.
  Small and medium-sized companies widely take foreign trade by cross-border electrical commerce with national policy support. At the same time, they face series of challenges. Cross-border electrical commerce faces the three main challenges, such as logistics, payment and integrity. Cross-border logistics exists risks of security payment and risk of foreign exchange. In addition, when small and medium companies carry out cross-border electrical commerce, there are lacks of no- well-known brands and low value-added products. In the supply chain they rapid response ability is poor, and cannot achieve flexible supply.
  4 Countermeasures of traditional export enterprise
  In traditional international trade, high cost and low profit are the character of small order under $10000. So it is as a chicken ribs for the foreign trade company. Under increasing the proportion of small orders in traditional foreign trade, cross-border electrical commerce deals these small batch, fragmentation, and even individual orders. focusing on small orders of foreign trade and providing customs declaration, logistics and packing, cross-border electrical commerce easily effects on the transactions between companies and individual consumers. Many foreign trade companies have involved in small batch cross-border electricity business and have found that they win more profits from many small orders.
  At the same time, we need to choose the appropriate logistics company. When we choose logistics company, we must look at the history of the company and reputation. Business reputable logistics companies tend to have higher reliability, better service level and ability. We need to choose a different logistics for different goods. In addition, in a shipping logistics company, the more is, the more able to enjoy the service.
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