
来源 :中国水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhe0731
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今年上半年,江西省渔业生产持续稳定发展,水产品流通渠道畅通,流量增加,流程缩短,市场上渔货供应充足,品种丰富,价格稳中有升,呈现出产销两旺、市场繁荣的好景象。 一、水产品生产稳定增长。今年以来,江西省水产生产重点突出在“大”字上挖潜力(大水面开发),在“特”字上做文章(特种水产养殖),在稻田求发展(稻田养鱼),加大了工作力度,使水产生产继续保持快速稳定增长。据统计:1~6月份,全省累计完成水产品总产量42.8万吨,比上年同期增加8.47万吨,增长24.6%。其中养殖产量35.78万吨,增长19.6%,特种水产品产量3.07万吨,比去年同期增加1.14万吨,增长59.2%。水产品总量的增加,保证了水产品市场的有效供给,抑制了水产品价格出现大的波动。 二、水产品流通渠道畅通,流程缩短,流量增加。据省工商行政管理局统计:上半年城乡水产品市场交易量为9.47万吨、交易额7.82亿元,比上年同期分别增加2.31万吨和1.52亿元,增长32.3%和24.1%。其中城市市场交易量为3.67万吨、交易额3.29亿元,分别比上年同期增加0.87万吨和0.39亿元,增长31.1%和13.5%;农村集市交易量5.6万吨,交易额4.53亿元,分别比上年同期增加1.24万吨和1.13亿元,增长28.4%和33.2%。水产品专业 In the first half of this year, the fishery production in Jiangxi Province maintained a steady and steady development. The channels for the circulation of aquatic products were unblocked. The flow rate was increased and the process flow was shortened. There was ample supply of fishery products, abundant varieties and steady prices, showing a prosperous market scene. First, the steady growth of aquatic products. Since the beginning of this year, the focus of aquatic products production in Jiangxi Province has been to tap potentials (water surface development) in the “big” characters, make a fuss about “special” characters (special aquaculture), seek development in paddy fields (fish farming in rice fields) Work efforts to make aquatic products continue to maintain rapid and steady growth. According to statistics: From January to June, the province’s total output of aquatic products reached 428,000 tons, an increase of 84,700 tons or 24.6% over the same period of the previous year. Among them, aquaculture output was 357,800 tons, an increase of 19.6%. The output of special aquatic products was 30,700 tons, an increase of 11,400 tons or 59.2% over the same period of last year. The increase of the total amount of aquatic products ensures the effective supply of the aquatic products market and inhibits the large fluctuations in the prices of aquatic products. Second, the flow of aquatic products flow, flow shortened, traffic increased. According to the statistics of the Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce: In the first half of this year, the trading volume of urban and rural aquatic products markets was 94,700 tons, with a transaction volume of 782 million yuan, an increase of 21,300 tons and 152 million yuan respectively, up 32.3% and 24.1% over the same period of last year. Among them, the transaction volume in the urban market was 36,700 tons with a transaction volume of 329 million yuan, up by 87,100 tons and 39 million yuan respectively, up 31.1% and 13.5% over the same period of the previous year; the transaction volume in the rural market was 56,000 tons and the transaction volume was 453 million Yuan, respectively, an increase of 12,400 tons and 113 million yuan over the previous year, an increase of 28.4% and 33.2%. Aquatic products professional
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