Active probing based Internet service fault management in uncertain and noisy environment

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sweetacid
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In Internet service fault management based on active probing,uncertainty and noises will affect service fault management. In order to reduce the impact,challenges of Internet service fault management are analyzed in this paper. Bipartite Bayesian network is chosen to model the dependency relationship between faults and probes,binary symmetric channel is chosen to model noises,and a service fault management approach using active probing is proposed for such an environment. This approach is composed of two phases:fault detection and fault diagnosis. In first phase,we propose a greedy approximation probe selection algorithm(GAPSA) ,which selects a minimal set of probes while remaining a high probability of fault detection. In second phase,we propose a fault diagnosis probe selection algorithm(FDPSA) ,which selects probes to obtain more system information based on the symptoms observed in previous phase. To deal with dynamic fault set caused by fault recovery mechanism,we propose a hypothesis inference algorithm based on fault persistent time statistic(FPTS) . Simulation results prove the validity and efficiency of our approach. In order to reduce the impact, challenges of Internet service fault management are analyzed in this paper. Bipartite Bayesian network is chosen to model the dependency relationship between faults and probes, binary symmetric channel is chosen to model noises, and a service fault management approach using active probing is for for an an environment. This approach is composed of two phases: fault detection and fault diagnosis. In first phase, we propose a greedy approximation probe selection algorithm (GAPSA), which selects a minimal set of probes while remaining a high probability of fault detection. In second phase, we propose a fault diagnosis probe selection algorithm (FDPSA), which selects probes to obtain more system information based on the symptoms observed in previous phase. To deal with dynamic fault set caused by fault recovery mechanism, we propose a hypothe sis inference algorithm based on fault persistent time statistic (FPTS). Simulation results prove the validity and efficiency of our approach.
【摘要】小学语文阅读教学中学生口语交际能力的培养考验着教师的教学水平,需要积极地改变传统教学观念,注重多元化思维的涌现,避免对学生思维的固化,同时让学生多积累丰富的生活知识与专业语文知识,让学生在理解能力、表达能力、分析能力、思维能力、创新能力上有更多的扩展,从而优化整体的口语交际能力。  【关键词】小学语文;阅读教学;口语交际能力;培养  【中图分类号】G623 【文献标识码】A  口语交际能力