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1996年,一家杂志作了一项题为“对你一生影响最大的一本书”的调查,结果,《钢铁是怎样炼成的》名列榜首。《钢铁是怎样炼成的》是前苏联作家尼古拉·奥斯特洛夫斯基的作品。小说主人公保尔·柯察金是一位英雄,他在前线阵地上出生入死,受伤后回到后方,参加了恢复和建设国家的工作。由于受伤和屡患重病,保尔的健康每况愈下,最后双目失明,并完全瘫痪。在难以忍受的折磨下,保尔以坚定的信念和超人的力量战胜自己,重新开始了“工作”——写作。《钢铁是怎样炼成的》不是奥斯特洛夫斯基的自传,然而其中很多情节取材于他自身的经历。他和保尔一样,参过军,打过仗,后来也是双目失明,全身瘫痪。他用了整整三年时间,靠口述,由亲友笔录,克服了难以想象的困难,创作了这部不朽的著作。小说问世60多年来,世界各国用各种语言重印重版了无数次,保尔·柯察金成了一位超越时空的英雄。保尔那段著名的格言,成了一代又一代青年人的人生座右铭。这里所选的,是保尔与过去的恋人冬妮娅重逢时的一段描写,生活使两个年轻人选择了不同的人生道路,曾经热恋过的情人最后成了陌生的路人。 In 1996, a magazine published a survey titled “A book that has had the greatest impact on your life.” The result was “How Steel was Tempered”. How Iron Steel Was Made is a work of former Soviet writer Nikola Ostrovsky. The hero of the novel, Paul Corchagin, is a hero. He was born and died in the front line, returned to the rear when he was injured, and participated in the work of restoring and building the country. Due to injuries and repeated illnesses, Paul’s health deteriorated and his eyes fell blind and completely paralysed. Under an unbearable torment, Paul defeated himself with his firm convictions and superhuman power and resumed his “work” - writing. How Iron Steel Was Made is not an autobiography of Ostrovsky, but many of the plots are based on his own experience. Like Paul, he took part in the military and played crickets. He later lost his eyesight and was paralyzed. He spent a full three years, dictated by his relatives and friends, overcoming unimaginable difficulties and creating this monumental book. Since the novel was published more than 60 years ago, many countries in the world have reprinted and reprinted it in countless times in various languages. Paul Corchagin became a hero who transcended time and space. Paul’s famous motto has become the motto of a generation after generation of young people. The selection here is a description of Paul’s reunion with her previous lover, Danny. Life makes the two young people choose different paths of life. The lover who has ever been in love finally becomes a stranger.
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