Combustion Characteristics and Emission of a Two-Stroke Compression Ignition Engine with Two-Stage I

来源 :上海交通大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxtx001209
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In order to study the effect of two-stage injection on two-stroke diesel engines, a well characterized research engine equipped with electronically controlled common rail system and scavenging system was constructed. Through analysis of combustion and emissions, two-stage injection shows its advantages. Compared with the standard injection, it produces less emissions, while compared with single early injection, it expands engine operation range. Further experiments were carried out to study the influence of several injection control parameters on two-stage injection. The fuel in the first injection is used for forming homogeneous mixture. The fuel in the second injection keeps combustion, and it is the main source of smoke emissions. NOx is formed in both combustion process caused by these two injections, and there is an optimum fuel allocation ration to produce minimum NOx. The cylinder pressure decreases, and the combustion is depressed with the increasing of scavenging pressure. By optimizing the injection control parameters of two-stage injection, NOx and smoke can be reduced beyond 30% simultaneously.
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