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2007年5月9日,中国股市上证综指首次突破4000点大关,创历史新高。以2005年6月6日上证指数创出998.23的低点为分水岭,在短短近两年间,上证综指竟上涨了4倍有余。与此同时,股市成交量也在不断翻新,特别是2007年以来,股市日成交量屡创新高,达2005年日成交量的20倍以上,且这样的数字纪录或许还将被保持、打破甚至远远超越。只不过已有迹象表明,中国股市新一轮调控已经蓄势待发。两大因素凸现调控的必然性 May 9, 2007, the Chinese stock market Shanghai Composite Index broke the 4000 mark for the first time, a record high. Taking the low of 998.23 hit by the Shanghai Composite Index on June 6, 2005 as a watershed, the Shanghai Composite Index has risen more than four times in just two years. At the same time, the stock market turnover is also constantly refurbished, especially since 2007, the daily volume of stock market hit record highs, reaching more than 20 times the daily volume of 2005, and such digital records may also be maintained, to break even Far beyond. But there are signs that the new round of regulation of China’s stock market has been ready. Two factors highlight the inevitability of regulation
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