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  Reality TV 即“真人秀”,这是一种由普通人(非表演者),在既定情境中按照游戏规则,实现游戏目标的综合娱乐节目。与此同时,游戏的全过程将被记录下来,制作成电视节目。
  American Idol 《美国偶像》
  In the summer of 2002, a British 1)hit called Pop Idol landed in America and became not only an instant success, but one of the biggest shows in American television history. Now, American Idol is one of the most popular TV shows in America. Millions of people watch it every week to find out if their favorite contestant will win, and become an American idol.
  The players compete in a talent contest in which they are asked to sing any song they like on this star search clone. After each song is sung, the judges then comment on the performance of the player. After each show’s ending, the audience must vote for a player thatthey really think performed well. Once the votes are 2)locked in, the judges decide who has the most and the least amount of votes, and the contestant with the least amount of votes is eliminated. It goes on each week until the winner is crowned “American Idol”, and he/she wins a recording contract worth up to $1,000,000.
  The 3)grueling competition has crowned 4)Kelly Clarkson, 5)Ruben Studdard, 6)Fantasia, 7)Carrie Underwood and 8)Taylor Hicks successively, and has grown bigger and bigger each season. Now, over a billion votes are received throughout the contest, and millions of viewers tuned in to see who would become the next American idol.

  The Apprentice《学徒》
  The Apprentice, 9)Donald Trump’s NBC TV show, is America’s hottest TV program. It is a winning integration of the personal interaction of reality shows and an insider’s look at the 10)cutthroat nature of corporate competition. The programme follows 16 candidates who compete for a salary of $250,000 with 11)high-flying real estate tycoon Donald Trump over a course of 15 12)episodes!
  The candidates from all 13)walks of life, including both 14)Ivy League MBA graduates and street 15)entrepreneurs with no college education, will endure 16)rigorous business tasks while living together in a 17)hip 18)Manhattan 19)loft apartment. Prominent Fortune 500 companies were enlisted to participate in many of the tasks. The tasks will test their intelligence, 20)chutzpah and 21)streets smarts. They will face the challenges of living in close quarters and must complete sometimes humorous, but always difficult, job assignments and will be forced to think 22)outside the box in order to outshine each other to get to the top.
  Tasks each week will incorporate various aspects of business: sales, marketing, promotions, charities, real estate deals, finance, advertising 23)pitches and facilities management.
  Each week, one person will hear those dreaded words-“You’re Fired!” And the winner of the competition, the true “apprentice”, will be granted the dream job of a lifetime with The Trump Organization and a salary of $250,000.
  Big Brother《老大哥》
  Big Brother, which began in 2000, has become the UK’s biggest reality TV show and is one of the most popular shows in British TV history.
  Big Brother takes place entirely within the confines of the Big Brother House. It’s essentially a competition between the housemates who are the celebrities of the society, the object of which is to be the last remaining housemate in the House. Housemates are provided with a shopping budget each week to buy food and other necessities, which is the compulsory weekly task set by Big Brother. If the group does well in the tasks they will get rewarded with a bigger shopping budget. If the housemates fail the weekly task, they will each lose an amount per head to spend on shopping the next week.

  Housemates will 24)nominate each other for 25)eviction and those with the most votes from their peers face a public vote. The housemate that receives the most public votes leaves the House. At least one celebrity will leave the House every week by a process of nomination and public eviction.
  There are some strict rules regarding life inside the Big Brother House. For example, housemates are filmed 24 hours a day and must wear personal microphones at all times, except when in bed, in the shower and in the pool; the housemates are restricted as to what personal belongings they can bring into the House, including musical instruments, books, mobile phones, walkmans, computers etc.
  Generally, Survivor is a game of 26)adaptation, which is based on the Swedish game show, Operation Robinson. Survivor focuses on the people, and the social 27)commentary that surrounds them. The game is simple: Outwit, outplay, outlast.
  The rules of this game are simple: 16 average Americans (divided into two 28)tribes which eventually merge into one) from a variety of backgrounds were 29)sequestered on the deserted island for 39 days, where they must use wits, strength and teamwork to keep from starving, baking, drowning or a variety of other 30)nasty possible fates. They compete in challenges for “luxuries” (a barbecue, a phone call home, etc.) and 31)immunity. Every three days, the losing tribe of the latter challenges must face tribal council to vote out one of their own. The game shifts to individual competitions when the tribes merge and become one, making the game every man for himself. At the end of day 39, there will be only one survivor left who will leave the island with one million dollars.

Inmate Mitchell King had a visitor—his wife. King was serving a six-year jail term in 2)Auckland, New Zealand for armed robbery. But his wife didn’t want to be away from him for that long. So they hel
青春喜剧再度来袭,精彩程度更甚从前,这都是作家科迪·科普林格的功劳。我们为什么要感谢她让这类型的电影重返电影版图呢?因为现在人人都在谈论不休的电影《丑女也有春天》,其原著小说的作者正是这位(美国)肯塔基人。  未免你不知道我们在说什么,《丑女也有春天》已经被称为下一部《贱女孩》,演员阵容十分华丽,有贝拉·索恩、梅·惠特曼、罗比·阿美尔,甚至还有肯·郑。故事讲述了12年级学生比安卡(梅·惠特曼饰)在
生活在这个时代的上班一族,承受着太多来自方方面面的压力。他们终日忙忙碌碌,以致很少时间陪在家人身边,很少时间健身。他们也想出游,给身心放个假,但又可能因为痛惜被扣的工资而打消这种念头。年复一年,物质生活也许是好了,精神生活却可能很难堪。就像被囚禁在笼里的鸟儿,他们渴望自由翱翔,呼吸最清新的空气。有什么办法可以做些改变?在西方职场流行起来的“两人一职”也许算是个办法,但却要承担工资减少的后果。  要
小兰 译    2006年是世界杯年,作为当今世界足坛的最顶级赛事,自然是倍受关注。四年的等待,桑巴军团能否卫冕?东道主德国顺风顺水捧起大力神杯?非洲黑马勇往直前?英格兰40年后又逢春?“点球大战常胜军”阿根廷能否不失众望,带给我们更多精彩?荷兰打破无冕之王的梏命?意大利重返世界之颠?一切都是未知数。对于很多球员来说今年是最后的机会,每个人都不会轻易错过。冠军只有一个,精彩却无处不在,今年的六月将
Sweet And Low  Anywhere you go, anyone you meet  Remember that your eyes can be your enemies  I said, hell is so close and heaven’s out of reach  But I ain’t giving up quite yet  I’ve got too much to
时间正像一个趋炎附势的主人,对于一个临去的客人不过和他略微握握手,对于一个新来的客人,却伸开了两臂,飞也似地过去抱住他;欢迎是永远含笑的,告别总是带着吧息。  ——莎士比亚  时代总是会告终的。友谊、日常、工作、处所、关系、生活——你正置身其中的一切,总有一天会迎来终结。或许只是暂离,但也有可能从此永别。从大体上而言,结局总是容易让人失望的。对我来说,我很讨厌自己喜欢的事情临近尾声,以至于我在听喜
Mel Brooks Checks in for Hotel Transylvania 2  Mel Brooks, the legendary[传奇的] comedian[喜剧演员] and filmmaker voices the ancient vampire Vlad—the angry old father of Adam Sandler’s Dracula—in the animate
13岁时我就被寄养在别人家里,一直没有家的感觉。所以,选择朋友圈就变成一件重要的事,就像在选择一个替代家庭。我一直在寻找一些能让我笑逐颜开、忘记家庭问题的人。  从电视节目《迪格拉丝中学》、《欢乐合唱团》及电影《贱女孩》可以看出,学校里总是有一群最好玩、无人不识的小团体。那是我一直想加入的团体,那种乐趣和人气很吸引我。  通过在课堂、走廊和吃午饭时对身边孩子们的观察,我发现年级里的人气小团体好像就
GHOST TOWN  Died last night in my dreams  Walking the streets  Of some old ghost town注1  I tried to believe  In God and James Dean注2  But Hollywood sold out  Saw all of the saints  Lock up the gates  
记得小时候,家住平房,长长的小巷子一路走过去,皆是和善的笑脸。东家炖了好香的汤,西家带回的家乡特产,左邻右舍谁家都少不了分到一份。到了傍晚,把电视机搬到院子里,几家的人围在一起看电视,说着笑着吃着零食,生活虽然并不富裕,却有一股浓浓的情谊温暖人心。  古话说:“远亲不如近邻”。然而,现代都市里,楼房越来越高,人与人之间的关系却愈加疏远。越来越高级的防盗门不仅隔绝了外界的侵扰,更隔绝了邻里间的温情。