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这里所说的意识流程,并不是学派上的名词,而是根据实际情况,用来泛指结构成戏的某种内核和它的表现方法及技巧。它年深日久地出现在戏剧电影领域,专门表现意识和不受理性控制的潜意识流动的状态,用以达到心灵激情显示的目的。这类影剧,渊源于意识流,自然受威廉·詹姆斯的影响很深。根据詹姆斯的说法,意识并不是一段一段出现的,象“链条”或“环节”之类的描述并不妥切,而是流动的,如河床流水一般。他把人类心理活动之中象流水一样活动的意识状况,用生动的形象作了比喻概括,确系重要的发现。这里牵涉到两个术语:意识和自由联想。意识是大家熟悉的,它指的是控制记忆、想象和反省的心理成份;而“自由联想”要复杂得多,它是指在人的意识松懈的情况下,自然的、下意识的思维活动,其中包括幻想、错觉、梦境、联想在内。可以这样说:自由联想是意识流程中控制思想素材流向的原则——意志对思想的影响越小或越松,自由联想的程度也越大。因而这类影剧几乎没 The process of consciousness mentioned here is not a noun on the school. Instead, it is used to refer to some kind of kernel of the structure into play and its performance methods and techniques, according to the actual situation. It is a long time appearing in the field of drama and film, the performance of consciousness and unconscious control of the subconscious flow of state, in order to achieve the purpose of spiritual passion display. This type of drama, originating from the stream of consciousness, is naturally deeply influenced by William James. According to James, consciousness does not appear for a period of time. It is not appropriate to describe something like “chain” or “link”, but rather to flow, such as riverbed flow. He made the vivid image of the state of consciousness, which is like a flowing water, among the human psychological activities, and made a metaphorical summary to make an important discovery. There are two terms involved here: Consciousness and Free association. Consciousness is familiar, it refers to the control of memory, imagination and reflection of the psychological component; and “free association” is much more complex, it refers to the relaxation of human consciousness, natural, unconscious thinking activities, Including fantasy, illusion, dreams, Lenovo included. It can be said that free association is the principle of controlling the flow of ideological material in the process of consciousness - the smaller or the looser the will is, the greater the degree of freedom to associate. So this kind of movie is almost no
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