
来源 :上海综合经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shoolove
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在世纪之交的重要时刻,江泽民总书记在政治局常委会上关于“三讲”教育的讲话中,审时度势、高瞻远瞩地提出了要不失时机地实施“走出去”的战略,随后在参加人大上海团讨论时,也强调了实施“走出去”战略的重要性。上海作为我国的经济中心和改革开放的前沿,开放度较高,有条件、有基础在这方面先行一步。本刊记者就此采访了上海市委常委、副市长蒋以任。 加快实施“走出去” At a crucial juncture of the turn of the century, General Secretary Jiang Zemin put forward the strategy of “going global” without losing no time in the speech on the “three stresses” education held by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau when he reviewed the situation. During the discussion, the importance of implementing the “going out” strategy was also emphasized. As the economic center of our country and at the forefront of reform and opening up, Shanghai has a relatively open, conditional and founded foundation and takes the first step in this regard. This reporter interviewed Shanghai Municipal Committee, deputy mayor Jiang Yi Ren. Accelerate the implementation of “going out”
CIMT2003 will be held at the very time after Chinaentered into WTO when the sustainable rapid growingeconomy has added huge purchasing power to the coun-try.Th
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肝豆状核变性(Wilson 氏病)是一种具有家族倾向的疾病。多发生于7—8岁以后,临床表现有神经系统的锥体外束征、肝脏损害、精神症状、生化障碍(如血清铜蓝蛋白 Ceruloplasmin
目的:制备蛇鳞草-大黄固体脂质纳米粒并考察其形态。方法:采用HPLC测定三羽新月蕨苷A和大黄素含量,流动相乙腈(A)-0.1%甲酸水溶液(B)-水(C)梯度洗脱(0~35 min,15%~75%A,25%B,