
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:limingxing0623
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Objective:The aim of this study was to explore the three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy combined with FOLFOX scheme chemotherapy in the treatment of postoperative recurrence of rectal cancer. Methods:Sixty-eight cases of recurrent rectal cancer were divided randomly into two groups:34 cases of conformal radiotherapy plus FOLFOX chemotherapy group (experiment group) and 34 cases of conformal radiotherapy (control group). After 6 MvX line with three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy technologies for recurrent lesions and pelvic cavity around subclinical lymphatic drainage radiotherapy after radiotherapy to DT 40 Gy to reposit was made use of between both groups, experiment group was made the new treatment plan to continue to irradiate to 50 Gy, and then Shrinkage GTV was pushed quantity in the field 66 Gy. Researchers took chemotherapy in the first week and the fourth week after radiotherapy, with 5-fluorouracil 500 mg/m 2 , calcium leucovorin 200 mg, d1-5 with intravenous drip, Oxaliplatin 130 mg/m 2 and d1 with intravenous drip 2 h, 21 days was one cycle. Kaplan-Meier method was used for survival analysis. Results:The survival rates for 1, 2 and 3 years for experiment group and control group were 88.2%, 64.7%, 47.1% and 66.7%, 38.2%, 29.4% (P = 0.03), the 2-year rate of distant metastases was 32.4% and 58.8% (P = 0.032) respectively. The median survival time was 33 and 20 months respectively. There were some side effects between the groups, but there was no statistical difference. Conclusion:Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy plus FOLFOX chemotherapy can be considered as a safe and effective approach to treat rectal cancer patients of postoperative recurrence, and can improve the survival rates of patients and reduce distant metastasis rate obviously and make the acute adverse reaction rate insignificantly. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy combined with FOLFOX scheme chemotherapy in the treatment of postoperative recurrence of rectal cancer. Methods: Sixty-eight cases of recurrent rectal cancer were divided randomly into two groups:34 cases After 6 MvX line with three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy technologies for recurrent lesions and pelvic cavity around subclinical lymphatic drainage radiotherapy after radiotherapy to DT 40 Gy To reposit was made use of between both groups, experiment group was made the new treatment plan to continue to irradiate to 50 Gy, and then Shrinkage GTV was pushed quantity in the field 66 Gy. Researchers took chemotherapy in the first week and the fourth week After radiotherapy, with 5-fluorouracil 500 mg/m 2 , calcium leucovorin 200 mg, d1-5 with intravenous drip, Oxa Results: The survival rates for 1, 2 and 3 years for experimental group and control group were 88.2. %, 64.7%, 47.1% and 66.7%, 38.2%, 29.4% (P = 0.03), the 2-year rate of distant metastases was 32.4% and 58.8% (P = 0.032) respectively. The median survival time was 33 and 20 months respectively. There were some side effects between the groups, but there was no difference. Conclusion:Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy plus FOLFOX chemotherapy can be considered as a safe and effective approach to treat rectal cancer patients of postoperative recurrence, and can Improve the survival rates of patients and reduce distant metastasis rate obviously and make the acute adverse reaction rate insignificantly.
我是在穿过了一片被阳光烤炙的平原之后遇见他们的。  他们不喜欢声音,没有住到路边。他们居住在未开垦的田野上,靠着一泓只有鸟儿才知道的清泉。  从远处望去,树林似乎是不能进入的。但当我靠近,树干和树干渐渐松开。他们谨慎地欢迎我。我可以休息、乘凉,但我猜测,他们正监视着我,并不放心。  他们生活的家庭里,年纪最大的住在中间,而那些小家伙,有些则刚刚长出第一批叶子,差不多遍地皆是,从不分离。  他们的死
大家知道,食品应该吃新鲜的。但任何事物都有两面性,有的食品如吃得太新鲜,则对健康不利。 鲜海蜇新鲜的海蜇含水多,皮体较厚,含有毒素。只有经过食盐加明矾盐渍两次(俗称二
青菜是江南地区对白菜的通称。但按《现代汉语词典》的解释,青菜一是指小白菜,二是蔬菜的统称。青菜作为普通素菜,最能体现食用者的清苦。“三年清知府,十万雪菜银”,是封建官僚的写照。但在我国历史上有不少真正的清官,廉洁自律,生活俭朴,常食青菜,因而被时人呼为“青菜”。今辑录数例,以飨读者。  刘青菜 明嘉靖进士刘易从,字右川,河南氵及县人。历官威县、遵化知县,迁户部郎中,出为兖州知府,移武昌,政简刑清,