In vitro UVB irradiation effects on lens membranes and their binding-capacity with lens

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目的观察紫外线B(UVB)对晶状体质膜及其与晶状体蛋白结合的影响,探讨光氧化致白内障形成的机制。方法用不连续蔗糖密度梯度离心从牛晶状体皮质分离出2种晶状体膜成分,即位于25/45%和45/50%的区带部分。在加或不加晶状体可溶性蛋白的情况下,将膜制剂暴露于UVB辐射。膜荧光和SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳被用来检测UVB对晶状体质膜及其与晶状体蛋白结合的作用。结果膜荧光检测显示UVB照射导致被照射2种晶状体质膜膜结构的改变。电泳观察到膜蛋白22和20kDa多肽的减少,但在溶液中有晶状体可溶性蛋白存在时二者则增加。结论UVB照射能引起膜结构的变化,并促进晶状体可溶性蛋白与膜的结合 Objective To observe the effect of ultraviolet B (UVB) on the plasma membrane and its association with lens protein, and to explore the mechanism of photooxidation induced cataract formation. Methods Two types of lens membranous components were isolated from the bovine lens cortex using a discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation, ie, at 25/45 and 45/50% of the zone. Membrane formulations were exposed to UVB radiation with or without lens soluble protein. Membrane fluorescence and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to detect the effect of UVB on the plasma membrane and its binding to the lens protein. Results Fluorescence detection showed that UVB irradiation resulted in the change of membrane structure of the two lens plasmas. The decrease in membrane protein 22 and 20 kDa polypeptides was observed by electrophoresis, but both increased in the presence of lens-soluble protein in solution. Conclusion UVB irradiation can cause the change of membrane structure and promote the binding of lens soluble protein and membrane
本刊讯 2000年12月8日是国务院机关事务管理局成立50周年纪念日。经局长办公会议研究决定,为迎接建局50周年,本着“隆重、热烈、简扑”的原则,将在全局范围内组织评选先进集
Recently there has been considerable interest in diatomic and triatomic excimerlasers capable of UV and visible wavelength tunability.In this report the charact
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目的 探讨吸毒母亲所生新生儿的临床特点及治疗措施。 方法 分析 5 4例吸毒母亲所生新生儿临床特点 ,并就相关治疗措施疗效和转归进行评价。 结果  1990~ 2 0 0 2年 12年
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