网箱养殖吃食性鱼类,投饲是最为关键的一环。投饲量的确定、投饲方法的选择,既影响鱼类生长,又关系到饲料效率的高低、效益的好坏。为使网箱鱼类长得好,又能降低成本,提高效率,在投饲时应注意以下几点: 1、投饵量要适度。要找出合适的投饵量,避免鱼吃得过饱,一般来说,同一种鱼类的日投饲量应控制存其饱食量的70%—80%为宜。鱼类饱食往往会诱发鱼病,饱食的饲养方法不但效果差,而且不经济。投饲量还应根据水温、鱼类生长情况、天气、水质等情况来灵活掌握。
Cages feed eating fish, feeding is the most crucial part. The determination of the amount of feeding, feeding method of choice, both affect the growth of fish, but also related to the level of feed efficiency, benefit is good or bad. In order to make cages fish grow well, but also reduce costs and improve efficiency, feeding should pay attention to the following points: 1, feeding amount should be moderate. To find the right amount of feeding, to avoid eating too full of fish, in general, the same type of fish daily feeding should control the amount of their fullness of 70% -80% is appropriate. Satiation of fish will often lead to fish disease, feeding method of feeding is not only poor, but not economical. Feeding amount should also be based on water temperature, fish growth, weather, water quality and other circumstances to be flexible grasp.